Mistaken for the colorful Duchess of Beaumont, penniless Claire Orwell decides to impersonate the outrageous beauty and, in order to be convincing, sets out to seduce Hank Cassidy, the most sought-after man in Saratoga Springs. Original.
I got The Princess Goes West from the defunct book relay site. The premise reminded me of Alias Jane Smith by Clarence Budington Kelland but the book fell far short of my expectations. The only really good thing about The Princess Goes West is it's length. It's thankfully short.The book starts ou...
"La ravissante Martay Kidd, coqueluche des soirées new-yorkaises, a décidé de passer l'été à Denver. Héritière d'une immense fortune, Martay est la fille du général William Kidd, en garnison à Fort Collins". La photographie d'une jeune femme blonde, d'une extraordinaire beauté, illustre l'article...
Nonetheless, she chose one of her better dresses and brushed her hair until it shone. After all, she might see her handsome new suitor, the charming Winn DeLaney. Wishing she had a parasol so she didn’t have to conceal her hair, one of her best features, Kate reluctantly drew on her straw bonnet,...
Mary Ellen was not surprised, nor did she blame him. She hadn’t been the adoring wife, had never shown him the love and affection that were his due. If their marriage was less than perfect—which it certainly was—she was the one responsible. Daniel made up elaborate stories, explaining that it was...
She sighed contentedly, crossed her legs and settled back against the plush gray upholstery, grateful that the thoughtful chauffeur had left the motor running. The air-conditioned interior of the big limo was a welcome sanctuary to the tired young woman. The neat, uniforme...
Shanaco walked through the door and paused just inside the entrance. The Comanche chieftain was dressed like a white man in dark, well-cut evening clothes, snowy white shirt and black silk cravat. His black leather shoes were neatly polished and his long raven hair was tied back off his cleanly s...