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Nancy Krulik

Read Books by Nancy Krulik


Going Batty

Katie said to Emma W. as the girls walked outside with the rest of the kids in class 4A. “Everyone else at school is inside doing work, and we’re out here.” “I know,” Emma W. agreed. “I wonder what kind of game we’re going to play.” The girls didn’t have to wait long to find out. A minute later, ...

Going Batty by Nancy Krulik

No Bones About It

Katie Carew shouted. She turned around and stared at Kevin Camilleri. “Stop kicking the seat!” Kevin grinned at Katie. “I didn’t do it. George did.” George Brennan was sitting next to Kevin on the school bus. The kids in class 3A were on their way to the Cherrydale Museum of Natural History for a...

No Bones About It by Nancy Krulik

Who's Afraid of Fourth Grade? (2010)

Chapter 12 “Oh, no. What a mess,” Emma said as she wandered into the kitchen. She looked kind of dazed. “One of the twins spilled the tomato sauce,” Katie explained. “I know,” Emma began. She shook her head slightly, trying to figure out what had just happened. “I kind of remember something about...

Who's Afraid of Fourth Grade? (2010) by Nancy Krulik

Tip-Top Tappin' Mom!

#31 Chapter 8 A few days later, Katie and Emma W. went to the Cherrydale Mall after school. Katie’s mom was the manager of the Book Nook bookstore. Katie had been coming to the mall since she was a little kid. Nearly everyone who worked there knew her. “You want to go have a pizza at Louie’s?” Ka...

Tip-Top Tappin' Mom! by Nancy Krulik

Something's Fishy

Mr. Guthrie greeted Katie Carew as she walked into her classroom on Monday morning. “All fish travel in schools. This is right where you belong.” “But I’m not a fish . . .” Katie started to say. Then she stopped herself. As she looked around she saw that her classroom had turned into some sort of...

Something's Fishy by Nancy Krulik

No Messin' with My Lesson

Quickly, she scribbled another division problem on the board. “Who can answer this question?” Katie asked the class. “What is twenty-seven divided by nine?” Lots of kids raised their hands. “Kevin?” Katie said. “Four,” Kevin said confidently. Katie nodded and turned to the blackboard. She began t...

No Messin' with My Lesson by Nancy Krulik

Open Wide

This is my special runway walk,” Suzanne Lock told the group of girls that were gathered around her on the playground after lunch. She lifted her head high, straightened her back, and took long strides across the yard. Katie rolled her eyes. Her best friend was showing off . . . again. “It’s very...

Open Wide by Nancy Krulik

Flower Power (2008)

Katie shouted as she raced over to where her friends were standing outside school. “What?” Emma W. asked. “Mr. G. is cutting off his ponytail!” Katie exclaimed. That sure got everyone’s attention. “No way!” George said. “Way,” Katie assured him. “How would you know something like that?” Suzanne d...

Flower Power (2008) by Nancy Krulik

Be Nice to Mice

But not the lightning bug poster. Emma was bringing that. Katie was carrying her own posters. Katie had left her house really early, so the schoolyard was empty when she arrived. “Perfect,” she said as she pulled a poster out of her bag and taped it to a tree. By the time the other kids got to sc...

Be Nice to Mice by Nancy Krulik

Friends for Never

Emma W. had to help her mother take her little brothers for hair-cuts. Jeremy had a drum lesson. And Ocean was hanging out with River. Katie felt really alone. She started to think about how things were in third grade—back when she and Suzanne did things together. “I wish . . .” she began. Then s...

Friends for Never by Nancy Krulik

Out to Lunch (2010)

Katie Carew asked her friend Kevin Camilleri as she plopped down into the seat across from him in the school cafeteria. Kevin had opened his lunch box. Inside were all sorts of tomatoes—tiny grape tomatoes; small, round cherry tomatoes; oval-shaped plum tomatoes; and a big plastic bag filled with...

Out to Lunch (2010) by Nancy Krulik

Ripped at the Seams (2004)

Lola told Sami early one morning as Sami arrived to help get Beneath the Sheets ready for customers. “You’re in charge.” Sami gulped. She’d never been left alone in the store before. It seemed as if just as many of the customers came for Lola’s advice as came to buy lingerie. She was certain they...

Ripped at the Seams (2004) by Nancy Krulik

Gotcha! Gotcha Back!

Gotcha Back! #19 Chapter 2 “Okay, check this out!” George exclaimed proudly as he and Katie sat on his back porch. He held up a big cardboard box. “My cousin Charlie sent this to me for my birthday.” Katie watched as George reached into the box and pulled out a big, gray, hairy spider! “How did t...

Gotcha! Gotcha Back! by Nancy Krulik

Love Stinks!

#15 Chapter 5 “Hi, girls,” Cinnamon greeted Katie, Suzanne, Becky, Mandy, and Jessica as they arrived at the candy store later that afternoon. Katie sniffed at the air. “Mmm. It always smells so yummy in here.” “You must be hungry for some candy,” Cinnamon teased. Katie grinned. Cinnamon was just...

Love Stinks! by Nancy Krulik

Drat! You Copycat!

You Copycat! #7 Chapter 5 “Now do you believe me? I told you Becky was a copycat!” Suzanne insisted, as she and Katie walked out of the school building at the end of the day. Katie nodded slowly. She couldn’t defend Becky anymore. Taking Suzanne’s research topic had been really mean. “I can’t bel...

Drat! You Copycat! by Nancy Krulik

Get Lost!

#6 Chapter 2 “Please, Mrs. Derkman, we have to wait!” Manny begged as the class began to board the bus. “Camp won’t be fun without George!” “We still have a few minutes before all the luggage is loaded onto the bus,” Mrs. Derkman assured him. “I’m sure George will be here by then.” Katie found a ...

Get Lost! by Nancy Krulik

Doggone It!

#8 Chapter 6 Or maybe there wasn’t a bright side. “What good is it having a teacher live next door if she’s still mean?” Katie exclaimed that night, as she and her parents sat together in the living room. “I think she was stricter with me today than she was with anyone else.” Mrs. Carew put her a...

Doggone It! by Nancy Krulik

Camp Rules!

Chapter 19 Clomp. Clomp. Clomp. Suddenly Katie heard footsteps coming up the stairs toward the bunk. Oh no! Someone was coming. Quickly she dove beneath the bottom bunk of Alicia’s bed. If she stayed really still, maybe she wouldn’t be noticed. Because if she was seen, she would be taken for Alic...

Camp Rules! by Nancy Krulik

Write On!

#17 Chapter 2 The girls followed Mrs. Carew into the kitchen and sat down at the table. “So, did you have a good day today?” Katie’s mom asked them. “Yeah!” Katie exclaimed. “Mr. Guthrie gave us the best news! Nellie Farrow is coming to our school!” “Nellie Farrow, the author?” Mrs. Carew asked. ...

Write On! by Nancy Krulik

Three Cheers for...Who? (2010)

#35 Chapter 2 It had all started back in third grade on one really, really rotten day. First, Katie had missed the football and lost the game for her team. Then she’d fallen in the mud and ruined her favorite pair of jeans. And then, just when she thought things couldn’t get any worse, she’d let ...

Three Cheers for...Who? (2010) by Nancy Krulik

My Pops Is Tops!

#25 Chapter 1 “Whoa! Check out Mr. Guthrie!” George Brennan shouted. Katie Carew swiveled around in her chair just in time to see her fourth-grade teacher running into the cafeteria. Her eyes opened wide with surprise. Mr. G. was wearing a white sheet wrapped around him. A Christmas-type wreath w...

My Pops Is Tops! by Nancy Krulik

I Hate Rules!

#5 Chapter 5 Mr. Kane? Was it possible? Had the magic wind actually turned Katie into the school principal? Katie looked down. Instead of her T-shirt with the heart on it, she was wearing a white shirt and a navy blue striped tie. Her skirt was gone, too. A pair of gray wool slacks was in its pla...

I Hate Rules! by Nancy Krulik

Karate Katie

Katie shouted as the relay race began. Coach Debbie had put Emma Weber in as George’s partner in the race. Now Emma W. was running as fast as she could down the track. She held a metal baton in her hand as she ran. Katie really cheered her two pals on! “Come on, Emma!” she shouted loudly. Emma W....

Karate Katie by Nancy Krulik

It's Snow Joke

Katie shouted out as she zoomed past skiers. Katie slid faster and faster down the mountainside. “YIKES!” She turned, hoping to slow herself down. Instead, she skied through some trees and came out on a much steeper slope. “Oh, noooooo!” Ahead of her Katie could see the film crew and the actors. ...

It's Snow Joke by Nancy Krulik

A Katie Kazoo Christmas

 Katie Carew and Jeremy Fox stood outside Louie’s Pizza Shop and read the sign in the window. “Christmas pizza?” Jeremy asked. “What’s that? Does he use green dough or something?” Katie made a face. “Ewww. I hope not,” she said. “Well, there’s only one way to find out,” Jeremy said. He opened the...

A Katie Kazoo Christmas by Nancy Krulik

Witch Switch (2010)

It all started one horrible day back in third grade. On that day, Katie had lost the football game for her team. Then she’d splashed mud all over her favorite jeans. After that, George had made fun of her and called her a mud monster. But the worst part of the day came when Katie had let out a lo...

Witch Switch (2010) by Nancy Krulik

No Biz Like Show Biz

She wanted to get there as quickly as possible to get ready for the dress rehearsal. The dress rehearsal was very important. Today all the actors would perform the play in their costumes. They would run through the whole show without stopping, whether or not they made any mistakes. Now that the p...

No Biz Like Show Biz by Nancy Krulik

Holly's Jolly Christmas

The woman in the checked coat had driven away with her tree. Joshie and his mother had gone off in search of dry clothes. And there was no one waiting in line at the cash register. Things were so quiet, Katie could hear Christmas music playing from speakers set up around the tree farm. “Oh Christ...

Holly's Jolly Christmas by Nancy Krulik

Any Way You Slice It

Katie was up and ready to go to the mall before anyone in her family—including her dog, Pepper—was even awake. That rarely happened. Usually, it was the cocker spaniel who woke Katie—with a big wet lick to the face. Katie wanted to get to the mall as early as possible. She’d promised Louie that s...

Any Way You Slice It by Nancy Krulik

On Thin Ice

That meant there would be school. She was also happy to see that Jeremy’s wish had not come true. But there was still plenty of snow. And sure enough, by the time Katie arrived at school, the whole playground was filled with kids throwing snowballs and building snowmen. Katie watched George snowb...

On Thin Ice by Nancy Krulik

Bad Rap

Suzanne Lock sang out wildly as she danced around her friend Katie Carew’s room. “When I awake,” Katie joined in, using her hairbrush like a microphone. Katie’s cocker spaniel, Pepper, howled loudly. Katie giggled. “That’s it, Pepper, sing along!” “That was ‘Dreams’ by the Bayside Boys,” Joey G.,...

Bad Rap by Nancy Krulik

Horsing Around

Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, Ireland (a division of Penguin Books Ltd.) Penguin Group (Australia), 250 Camberwell Road, Camberwell, Victoria 3124, Australia (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty. Ltd.) Penguin Books India Pvt. Ltd., 11 Community Centre, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi—110 017, Indi...

Horsing Around by Nancy Krulik

I'm Game

Bob Ritchey continued. He walked over to the woman on Katie’s left. “Tell us a little bit about yourself and your family,” he said. “My name is Elaine Blackwell,” the woman answered. “I’m single. I’m a doctor at Cherrydale Hospital, and in my spare time I like to skydive.” “Wow, you must be very ...

I'm Game by Nancy Krulik

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