Šok z pádu je veľmi emocionálna kniha. Mattove pocity, interakcia s okolím, prítomnosť jeho zosnulého brata a opis toho, aký vplyv má na celú rodinu schizofrénia mladého človeka (človeka, ktorý sa nechcel so svojim bratom rozlúčiť ani po smrti) zaručujú, že dielo budete čítať ako na ihlách, s vre...
This may have spoilers because its better to go into the book not knowing anything. And that is what I did. I had some expectations but overall I knew this book was worth 5 stars even when I was half way through. I read it extremely quickly because I was so engrossed in the story and the main cha...
I want to write a thoughtful and well structured review. The kind that speaks on the subtleties and shared experiences that wind throughout the story. But I can't even cry so there's not much else I can really say and someone else has probably done that already; or else someone else has written t...
It's been a long time since I cried at the end of a book, so long that I can recall the tears but not the book. Having my breakfast in bed I reached Matt's invitation letters a few moments ago.....and that was it. In his writer notes at the end, Nathan Flier is asked what he would like readers ...
We didn’t have proper furniture, so we placed our single mattresses side by side on the bedroom floor, and sat on them. We took the light bulb from the hall because it was the only one the previous tenants had left behind. And I plugged my old desk lamp in the kitchen, so we could see to cook. &n...