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Nelson George books

Nelson George
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Read Books by Nelson George


Brooklyn Noir (2004)

New York's punchiest borough asserts its criminal legacy with all new stories from a magnificent set of today's best writers. Brooklyn Noir moves from Coney Island to Bedford-Stuyvesant to Bay Ridge to Red Hook to Bushwick to Sheepshead Bay to Park Slope and far deeper, into the heart of Brooklyn...

Brooklyn Noir (2004) by Nelson George

The Hippest Trip in America (2013)

the hit single off their debut album on the independent Streetwise Records. The five Boston adolescents (Bobby Brown, Ralph Tresvant, Michael Bivins, Ronnie DeVoe, Ricky Bell) were adequate, singers—at best—but they had a scintillating stage show that married aspects of old-school Temptations-sty...

The Hippest Trip in America (2013) by Nelson George

City Kid

Black cops in particular seemed to like her. She dated two that I remember: an uptight light-skinned dude named Arnold, who was the first black in his precinct, and was intensely conflicted about his job; and Ben, a big, brown, easygoing gent, who used to stop by our house for bowls of soup on wi...

City Kid by Nelson George

The Plot Against Hip Hop

All chocolate with vanilla frosting. Every summer Russell Simmons held a soiree at his East Hampton home for his Rush Philanthropic arts foundation called Art for Life. On his large back lawn a huge tent was set up and held dozens of banquet tables, a dais, and a section reserved for a silent auc...

The Plot Against Hip Hop by Nelson George

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