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Nicholas Evans books

Nicholas Evans
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Read Books by Nicholas Evans


The Smoke Jumper (2002)

The honest reason I picked up this book was because I have a great respect and admiration for Smoke Jumpers and Forest Service firefighters. I even met a few that were from Missoula, which the Smoke Jumper base in the book is. Anyways, so now you know what first got me to buy the book and read it...

The Smoke Jumper (2002) by Nicholas Evans

The Horse Whisperer (2009)

There was a time when I had to read a book before seeing the film adaptation, which led to some rather unlikely choices for me.The Horse Whisperer, for instance, was not even my kind of movie, let alone book, but its three stars made a date in the movie theatre a must.I have always been a big fan...

The Horse Whisperer (2009) by Nicholas Evans

The Divide (2007)

He disfrutado las 447 paginas completa y deliciosamente!. Que maravilla de Libro, de Historia, de Personajes. No pense que disfrutaria y sentiria esta lectura como lo hice, pero el caso este que este es un libro con tantas historias y tantos contrastes que me dejaron gratamente impresionada; el ...

The Divide (2007) by Nicholas Evans

The Loop (1999)

Helen Ross is a 29-year-old biologist, sent into a hostile place to protect the wolves from those who seek to destroy them. She struggles for survival and for self-esteem, embarking on a love affair with the 18-year-old son of her most powerful opponent, brutal and charismatic rancher, Buck Calder.

The Loop (1999) by Nicholas Evans

El hombre que susurraba a los caballos (2013)

His name is Tom Booker. His voice can calm wild horses, his touch can heal broken spirits. And Annie Graves has traveled across a continent to the Booker ranch in Montana, desperate to heal her injured daughter, the girl's savage horse, and her own wounded heart. She comes for hope. She comes for...

El hombre que susurraba a los caballos (2013) by Nicholas Evans

The Brave

There were still, every day, random acts of cruelty, a sly punch or poke in the ribs, a foot stuck out to trip him in the playground, chewing gum placed on his chair, Kick Me notes stuck to his back. But Tommy had learned that if you kept quiet, tried to look as if none of this bothered you, stee...

The Brave by Nicholas Evans

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