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Nicholas Sansbury Smith books

Nicholas Sansbury Smith
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Read Books by Nicholas Sansbury Smith


ORBS (2013)

(I received a copy of this novel for review from the publisher via NetGalley.)I’m a bit of a sucker for novels like Nicholas Sansbury Smith’s Orbs. It’s got some cool speculative science, action, monsters, and a team comprised of military and scientists struggling to survive against impossible od...

ORBS (2013) by Nicholas Sansbury Smith

Red Sands

“You guys are going to be late! Mr. Andrews isn’t going to wait out there forever,” Michael yelled from the kitchen.     Jeff yawned and ran a hand through his hair one last time in an effort to straighten it into something halfway respectable. David yanked on his arm. Morning...

Red Sands by Nicholas Sansbury Smith

Hell Divers

They shook and rattled as if some giant outside were swinging a wrecking ball against them. Bits of acoustic paneling and dust rained down from the ceiling, covering him in white flakes.     He sat on the stairs to the second floor, his head bowed between his legs as if he wer...

Hell Divers by Nicholas Sansbury Smith

Extinction Age

A carpet of blue stretched across the seemingly infinite sky. Warm, radiant rays sparkled over the waves below. The view was hypnotizing, and Fitz had a hard time leaving his guard post when his shift was up. If it weren’t for Lieutenant Colonel Jensen’s sharp voice barking in his headset, he wou...

Extinction Age by Nicholas Sansbury Smith

Extinction Evolution (The Extinction Cycle Book 4)

Carmen. They were in one of the three outer non-secure sections where research was conducted. Dr. Yokoyama and Dr. Carmen were inside the secure zone, waiting on test results from a recent Variant blood sample. The room was chilly even with the heavy Navy sweatshirt Kate wore. She turned on her m...

Extinction Evolution (The Extinction Cycle Book 4) by Nicholas Sansbury Smith

Orbs II: Stranded

Green leaves rustled slightly in the breeze of a hidden vent unit far above her. In less than a month, the tree had doubled in size, and would soon be producing fruit.     It was nothing short of a miracle, but for Sophie the sight was painful. The vibrant green of the leaves ...

Orbs II: Stranded by Nicholas Sansbury Smith

White Sands

They held each other in the darkness, trying to keep their breathing low. The clicking of claws echoed against the concrete as the aliens searched for prey through the hallways. The monsters were getting closer.     Jeff and David had stumbled upon the storage closet within th...

White Sands by Nicholas Sansbury Smith

Solar Storms

Click here to join. When you subscribe you are automatically entered into an Amazon gift card sweepstakes!   Copyright © 2013 Nicholas Sansbury Smith     Great Wave Ink Publishing   All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval s...

Solar Storms by Nicholas Sansbury Smith

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