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Nicole Krauss books

Nicole Krauss
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Books: 5 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.59

Read Books by Nicole Krauss


Great House (2010)

Once I reached the end of this novel, my face was literally scrunched with confusion. Weisz seems to be the only individual in the novel truly affected by the absence and presence of this mysterious desk, so I don't understand why the author left his story to be told at the end. I loved the shor...

Great House (2010) by Nicole Krauss

The Great House (2000)

SPOILERS: Great House is one of the best books I've ever read. The four major plot lines are (mostly) connected by the ownership of the desk, although the chapters I found the most compelling to read were probably the most tenuously connected (the author Nadia is speaking to Dov -- "Your Honor" -...

The Great House (2000) by Nicole Krauss

The History of Love (2006)

Original Comments (Pre-Review):I would like to review this novel more formally in the near future, but to do so I'll have to flick through it and refresh my memory.My reaction at the time was that it was one of the best novels I had ever read.Nicole Krauss understands people and love and feelings...

The History of Love (2006) by Nicole Krauss

La historia del amor (2006)

La publicación de La historia del amor, segunda novela de Nicole Krauss, supuso la confirmación del extraordinario talento de esta joven escritora norteamericana, suscitando el elogio entusiasta de críticos y escritores, entre ellos el Premio Nobel de Literatura J.M. Coetzee. Con una sabia mezcla...

La historia del amor (2006) by Nicole Krauss

Man Walks Into a Room (2003)

This book ranks in my list of favorite books of all time. The story is about a young man, Samson Greene, who seems to have everything -- a beautiful wife, a professorship at Columbia University, a home in NYC, good friends... a near-perfect life. But a strange tumor on his brain causes him to lo...

Man Walks Into a Room (2003) by Nicole Krauss

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