Sometimes she would start to feel cheerful even with her hands still burning from contact with Miss Kelly’s ruler, and puzzle over this sudden lifting of her spirits then remember there was only a short while left to bedtime. She was like a human alarm clock which had been set to go off when she ...
Edwards sprang to his feet and extended both arms, whether for Jack or the wood was not quite clear. At that moment Enid came from the kitchen and Una from the bedroom. Enid moved wood swiftly in the brass fireside box to make way for the new lot. Why couldn’t I have done ...
She honoured her promise to Kathleen, and taking advantage of a discount for employees bought a single bed and mattress from her first pay. Kathleen, almost hysterical with joy, helped her set it up in the small room opposite the one she shared with Amy, closed until now. Kathleen dragged her des...