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Olivia Cunning books

Olivia Cunning
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Read Books by Olivia Cunning


Wicked Beat (2013)

I love Olivia Cunning, and her Sinners!!with that said... this book is good, just felt a bit rushed. I did enjoy it, especially the 50% mark and beyond... the beginning just seemed like i said too much to fast...but, Olivia is never one to disappoint, so she got into the flow of the other books ...

Wicked Beat (2013) by Olivia Cunning

Tie Me (2013)

Que puedo decir? Pues que Kellen me gano totalmente, es lo que yo esperaba, el hombre romántico, generoso, dulce, sentimental e inteligente bajo ese aspecto rudo y misterioso que yo deseaba que fuera. Kellen Jamison totalmente me enamoro con ese espíritu poético que tiene, sabe decir cosas t...

Tie Me (2013) by Olivia Cunning

Hot Ticket (2013)

my favourite sinners book so far Really enjoyed this one and I have another two I can't wait to read in the series.

Hot Ticket (2013) by Olivia Cunning

Ahlaksız Ritim (2014)

Yaslardayım bir grup üyemizi daha evlendirdik kaldı en deli üyemiz ki onun kitabının ne olacağı hiç belli değil neyse bu kitaptaki gurubumuzun bateristinin hikayesini okuduk. Böyle şeker karakter yazılır mı ey yazar olmadığını bile bile böyle tatlı bir erkek hayal ettirilir mi. Ben Eric'i hiç böy...

Ahlaksız Ritim (2014) by Olivia Cunning

Ateşli Bilet (2014)

Yo estoy enamorada de los sinners no puedo decir más, estos libros están cargados de escenas caliente de las que realmente no tengo mucho que decir pero si puedo decir que conocer la historia de cada uno de estos chicos encantadores y tan verdaderos, ya se que todo es parte de la maravillosa ment...

Ateşli Bilet (2014) by Olivia Cunning

Share Me (2013)

This was my least favorite story in the One Night With Sole Regret series. I am extremely happy that I didn't read it until I read Vol. #2 of the anthology, otherwise I might not have read as far into the series as I did. Basically, this is the story of a dream come true for a eking woman, much l...

Share Me (2013) by Olivia Cunning

Take Me to Paradise (2014)

Well I can't say a single bad thing about this short honeymoon story...............I wanted so much more of Master Sinclair. I guess it being a short story I can't complain as we get a ton of heat level and some amazing sex which you can never doubt from The Sinners!!I really wish this one would...

Take Me to Paradise (2014) by Olivia Cunning

Loving on Borrowed Time (2011)

I recently went on a short story kick where I wanted to get in, swoon hard and be left feeling dazzled. I'd read a little of Olivia's Backstage Pass *insert YUM here* so when I saw this as a recommended read for the book club I'm part of, I had to read it! My. Goodness. This. Was. So. Good.I was ...

Loving on Borrowed Time (2011) by Olivia Cunning

One Starry Night: Sinners on Tour Extras (2000)

Michelle is at her school reunion hoping to bump into her old flame Jake. He is a roadie for Sinners and she is hoping he will turn up, along with Sed Lionheart. She wasn't expecting to see Devlin there. He was the geeky by who asked he to the prom, in front of the whole school but she shot hi...

One Starry Night: Sinners on Tour Extras (2000) by Olivia Cunning

Almost Paradise (Sinners on Tour Book 8)

She remembered well the pain she’d experienced with her first tattoo. Eric’s name and a musical score with the melody he’d written just for her had been etched on her lower back less than a month before. The pain hadn’t been unbearable, but this—this was her entire arm they were talking about her...

Almost Paradise (Sinners on Tour Book 8) by Olivia Cunning

One Night with Sole Regret 01 Try Me

A mixture of anticipation and trepidation settled in Melanie’s belly. She reminded herself that Gabe was a fantastic lover and that they didn’t have much time left together. If these toys of his were important to him, she wanted to be open to them. Open to him. Apparently her willingness to parti...

One Night with Sole Regret 01 Try Me by Olivia Cunning

One Night with Sole Regret 04 Touch Me

He wasn’t going to interfere with her selection, but he was silently praying that she chose something small. Very small. As in so small it was invisible. Kelly was purchasing rope and sniggering every time his gaze landed on Owen. Bastard. Would a true friend find this situation that fucking hila...

One Night with Sole Regret 04 Touch Me by Olivia Cunning

One Night with Sole Regret 03.5 Share Me (Prequel)

He could feel Owen’s troubled gaze on him, but he pretended he was still working through his ritual. When had it become a way to be closer to his best friend? And why were the best orgasms of his life always at Owen’s hand? He wasn’t attracted to Owen. He didn’t get aroused when he was around him...

One Night with Sole Regret 03.5 Share Me (Prequel) by Olivia Cunning

Sinners On Tour 02 Rock Hard

Trey took his eyes off the TV to gape at Sed.     “How long has it been since you picked up your guitar?” Sed asked.     Trey shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. Can’t play it anyway.”     “You’re never going to play again if you don’t try. Do yo...

Sinners On Tour 02 Rock Hard by Olivia Cunning

One Night with Sole Regret 06 Tell Me

Done running interference. Done preventing catastrophe. Done picking up the pieces. Done.     She grabbed Nikki by the arm and without a word dragged her toward the exit. They were out of the dressing room and halfway down the hall before she stopped and turned to confront her...

One Night with Sole Regret 06 Tell Me by Olivia Cunning

Sinners On Tour 04 Wicked Beat

He wanted her. Rebekah. Wanted to watch her touch herself again. Damn, that had been so hot. He’d seen a lot of things in his day, well, mostly his nights, but watching Rebekah pleasure herself had turned him on like nothing in his experience. He didn’t only want to watch her though. He wanted to...

Sinners On Tour 04 Wicked Beat by Olivia Cunning

Insider (Exodus End #1)

After their thirty-six hour marathon of sex, fun, and more sex had come to a climactic end that morning, Toni thought she’d be able to concentrate on her work today. But all the man had to do was sit beside her and she was wondering how long she’d have to wait before she could get him naked. &nbs...

Insider (Exodus End #1) by Olivia Cunning

One Night with Sole Regret 07 Tease Me

She was not a fan of flying and if not for the promise of seeing Adam, she wouldn’t have gotten on the plane in the first place. The man was a strong motivating force in her life. She couldn’t deny it.     Deceleration pressed the back of her head against the seat, but as soon...

One Night with Sole Regret 07 Tease Me by Olivia Cunning

Sinners On Tour 06.1 Take Me to Paradise (Encores #1)

“We’re missing our window of opportunity,” she said. “My egg is probably dying as we speak.”     “I thought you wanted to get away. Just the two of us.”     “I do. I just wasn’t expecting to leave today,” she said.     “That travel agent...

Sinners On Tour 06.1 Take Me to Paradise (Encores #1) by Olivia Cunning

One Night with Sole Regret 05 Tie Me

She knew he was having a difficult time with the emotional aspect of this. He seemed to be okay with the physical part. Her body thanked him for that. She’d never been with a man who could stare directly into her eyes while he made love to her. It was as if Kellen wasn’t only making love to her b...

One Night with Sole Regret 05 Tie Me by Olivia Cunning

Sinners On Tour 05 Double Time

He was greeted by Reagan’s drowsy smile and Ethan’s appreciative grin. Trey wrapped an arm around Reagan and kissed her. “How are you feeling?” “Hungry.” “Lunch will be ready soon,” Ethan said. Ethan stirred the heavenly smelling concoction in the skillet on the stove. Trey moved to stand beside ...

Sinners On Tour 05 Double Time by Olivia Cunning


An altercation was waiting for him there, and he hadn’t yet decided if he was going to stick to his guns or back down and wait for his pair of reluctant lovers to open their reality to the outside world. Trey understood why Reagan wanted to keep the truth about their relationship a secret. He eve...

Outsider by Olivia Cunning

Twice Upon a Time

She slowly turned her head to look at the tall, good-looking man standing beside the bed. She half expected him to draw a sword and kill Farima, Nasir and Maisha in a bloody show of jealousy, but he merely smiled. “Sorry I interrupted,” he said. “Please, continue.” “Ashar, she has just claimed he...

Twice Upon a Time by Olivia Cunning

Sinners On Tour 06 Sinners at the Altar

Not only had the fight that put Trey in the hospital started because of her, the woman turned Sed into a complete asshole. Well, her leaving him had. And Brian was in no mood to be in the same country as her, much less the same vehicle. Perhaps he was focusing on his intense dislike for the woman...

Sinners On Tour 06 Sinners at the Altar by Olivia Cunning

Treat Me (One Night with Sole Regret #8)

He couldn’t help but smile when she scowled at him and wiped at the goop dripping from the tip.     “Don’t want you to get burned,” he said, splattering another glob on her nose.     “Can I get in the water now?” Julie asked, peering out through the sliding...

Treat Me (One Night with Sole Regret #8) by Olivia Cunning

One Night with Sole Regret 02 Tempt Me

Madison hadn’t spotted him yet, which gave him a moment to admire her innocent beauty. She wore a little black dress that clung to her slight curves and had a wide, low neckline that showed off the bronze skin of her throat and chest. Her collarbones were visible. He did have a thing for collar b...

One Night with Sole Regret 02 Tempt Me by Olivia Cunning

Sinners On Tour 03 Hot Ticket

“Are you awake?”     She started and covered her eyes with a pillow. “Jeez, how can I sleep with you staring at me like that?”     “You didn’t have a problem for the past hour.”     “You’ve been watching me sleep for an hour?”  &nbs...

Sinners On Tour 03 Hot Ticket by Olivia Cunning

One Night with Sole Regret 03 Take Me

Jacob had almost kissed her. Almost. And she could still feel the weight of his hand on her breast. Oh God, she wanted the man. And for about thirty seconds, she’d thought she might actually have her wish fulfilled.     Leaning against the kitchen island for support, she watch...

One Night with Sole Regret 03 Take Me by Olivia Cunning

Sinners On Tour 01 Backstage Pass

Her eyes moved to the camel-colored leather restraints in his hand and then to the chain suspended from the ceiling above her. She’d never been restrained before. She was pretty sure she wasn’t going to like it. She was, however, open to new experiences and wil ing to experiment with Brian. “Befo...

Sinners On Tour 01 Backstage Pass by Olivia Cunning

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