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P. Craig Russell books

P. Craig Russell
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.23

Read Books by P. Craig Russell


The Graveyard Book: Volume 1 (2014)

My VOYA review:A freshly orphaned toddler wanders into the safety of a graveyard in the dead of night, where he is adopted by two childless ghosts and named Nobody Owens. Nicknamed Bod, he is given the freedom of the graveyard, where he grows and thrives under the care of the ghostly inhabitants ...

The Graveyard Book: Volume 1 (2014) by P. Craig Russell

The Graveyard Book Volume 2 (2014)

Bod is older now and wants to go out beyond the graveyard. His first and only stint in school is definitely a memorable one. As Bod grows up in this volume he buts heads with Silas and with others as he makes his own way in the world that he has. The final confrontation with the Man Jack, and a r...

The Graveyard Book Volume 2 (2014) by P. Craig Russell

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