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Pamela Cox books

Pamela Cox
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Read Books by Pamela Cox


New Term at Malory Towers (2009)

I was surprised by this book! I am always wary when someone takes a beloved author's work and continues on with an established series. But Pamela Cox has done a wonderful job with this series. Of course Darrell leaves Mallory Towers at the end of Enid's last book, so she only features at the begi...

New Term at Malory Towers (2009) by Pamela Cox


  CHAPTER 4 GRACE DARE UNDERCOVER Grace Dare lived up to her courageous nom de plume. Going undercover to expose shopworkers’ scandalous conditions, she took the fight for their rights to the top. In fact, Grace Dare was none other than Miss Margaret Bondfield. In 1896, at the age of twenty-three...

Shopgirls by Pamela Cox

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