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Paradis, Violette books

Paradis, Violette
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Read Books by Paradis, Violette


Forever Ours (The Billionaire Next Door Book 8)

I closed my eyes and smiled, snuggling in closer to him. This was everything. “Mmm, I love sleeping in,” Jason moaned. His chest vibrated against my back as he spoke. It felt nice. “Me too.” Jason moved in tighter, keeping me locked in his embrace. “So,” I said, still keeping my eyes closed. “Do ...

Forever Ours (The Billionaire Next Door Book 8) by Paradis, Violette

All of Me (The Billionaire Next Door Book 7)

Jason stroked my hair as we watched a movie. “I want to be with you, Cora,” the handsome male lead said, followed by a shot of Julia, who was playing an everyday hotel cashier who fell in love with a movie star staying in her hotel. “But what about your life - your career?” “We can work around th...

All of Me (The Billionaire Next Door Book 7) by Paradis, Violette

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