A white horse that appeared to have wandered out of another century stood grazing in a patch of sparse yellow grass on the little square facing it. The gallery building was encased in grey marble and resembled a mausoleum. You might have expected to find a displaced head of state embalmed in the ...
When Makana arrived outside the police station a spectacle awaited him. The crowd from the previous day had swelled both in size and, it appeared, outrage. ‘Deliver him to us and we will show him our own justice!’ ‘Typical police corruption, arresting an innocent man!’ It seemed they were not all...
It sounds awfully noisy.’ The caller was Mimi Maliki. Makana glanced around him. ‘It’s a busy day,’ he said. He had included Aswani’s number on his business card because he was generally by at some time on most days and there was as good a chance of catching him here as anywhere. ‘What seems to b...
He watched the electric light toiling on the water as he smoked his way through every cigarette he could lay his hands on, including the remains of a packet that he discovered behind the old moth-eaten divan in the downstairs room. The tobacco was so dry he had to hold the cigarette at an angle t...