Michael said later that evening. “Anything wrong?” Savannah eased Lily onto the floor and watched her push her doll buggy around the room for a few moments. “Not really.” She looked up at her husband. “We had a great ride. I enjoyed seeing that area. And I like Shelly. It’...
“Rub-a-dub-dub,” he said, reaching down and tickling the baby under her chin as she sat playing in the tub. He chuckled. “I love to hear her giggle. That’s about my favorite sound in the whole world.” He tickled her again and laughed out loud. “Better watch out or you’ll go to work looking like a...
“Your wife is an excellent cook,” June said when he sat down in a chair across from her. “Yes, she is,” he agreed. Her eyes twinkled when she said, “I just might entice her to stay on here once all this is over. Do you think she would consent?” “Oh, I don’t know. You’d have to talk to her about t...
She sat straight up in bed. Her first thought was of her child. When she didn’t hear anything more, she slipped into her robe and headed toward the nursery. Sleeping like an angel, she thought to herself. She yawned. Rags must have knocked something off a shelf. I’ll check it out tomorrow. Howeve...
“They brought a lot of help this time,” Iris whispered as the four women sat on the block wall watching the authorities pursue their investigation. “Well, this is body number two since we arrived,” Colbi explained. “It looks like a serial killer is—or was—loose up here. Of...
Savannah said, her green eyes widening as she relived the scene. She became somber. “Only it was my gorgeous husband out there. Oh Auntie, I was so scared.” “You were scared?” Michael challenged as he set his sandwich down on the plate in front of him and took a sip of sun...
Michael asked his wife that evening over dinner. “Will Gladys fly out of Los Angeles and meet us in Hawaii?” “I think Mom wants to take the train up here and we’ll fly out of Frisco together. There will be a group of around twenty going on the photography trip. They’ve boo...
Colbi asked when the two of them joined Savannah and Bonnie at the Teague Stables on Saturday morning. “Sure am—need to break them in.” “To go with her holey jeans,” Savannah teased, while brushing Peaches. “Here are my two s...
Michael said when he saw Adam ambling down the stairs, still in his pjs, rubbing his eyes. Rags trotted along beside him. “Ready for breakfast?” “Yeah,” he said with a wide yawn. “Hey, didn’t you sleep well last night? You still seem sleepy.” ...
Colbi said while rinsing her plate in the kitchen sink. “He’s a chef, you know. Worked for some high-class restaurants in Chicago before coming here to open his cat rescue shelter.” “He hasn’t lost his touch,” Damon said as he loaded a few plates into the dishwasher. “Good...