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Patrick Dillon books

Patrick  Dillon
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Read Books by Patrick Dillon


Gin: The Much Lamented Death of Madam Geneva (2002)

This is an entertaining look at the gin craze of the 1800s, which remains the greatest drug epidemic to ever hit the British Isles.In 1723 each man, woman and child in London was getting through something like a pint of gin a week.It was just after the South Sea Bubble burst, an age of gambling, ...

Gin: The Much Lamented Death of Madam Geneva (2002) by Patrick  Dillon


The pigpen stood on a rise above the house. He could see into its courtyard. He could even smell whatever it was they were cooking. Meat, maybe even pork, but not one of his pigsā€”not likely. The day before, when two of the young visitors had come to take a porker, he had seen them off with dogs. ...

Ithaca by Patrick  Dillon

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