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Patrick Quentin books

Patrick Quentin
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Read Books by Patrick Quentin


Puzzle for Fools (1985)

If you don't know that I love vintage mysteries by now, I'm afraid you haven't really paid all that much attention to me over the years. If you are a recent newcomer to the blog, I may let you slide for now. Despite my love affair of all things Golden Age, I've tended to focus on the female write...

Puzzle for Fools (1985) by Patrick Quentin

The Man in the Net (1961)

Ciche i spokojne miasteczko Stoneville miało być dla Johna Hamiltona miejscem, gdzie wreszcie mógł robić to, co lubił-malować obrazy. Ale również tutaj miała znaleźć spokój i uwolnić się od nałogu alkoholowego jego żona, Linda. I to okazało się dużo ...

The Man in the Net (1961) by Patrick Quentin

Suspicious Circumstances

The butterflies had started flapping in my stomach again and the card just slipped out of my hand. As I bent to pick it up, I could hear the soggy thumping of Tray still somersaulting around and around behind me.     The Inspector said, ‘I wonder if Miss Rood could spare me a ...

Suspicious Circumstances by Patrick Quentin

Puzzle for Fiends (2015)

Mr. Moffat was booming to the assembly, “here is some fun. Mrs. Friend has invited us to hold our Sunshine Hour in her glorious swimming pool. We all have our Aurora Swimming Suits?”     A chorus of assent rose.     “Then, boys and girls—to the po...

Puzzle for Fiends (2015) by Patrick Quentin

A Puzzle for fools

Fogarty alone and hurried down the deserted corridor to my room. As I undressed and slipped into bed, the sound of her words still echoed in my ears. They had become for me a symbol of the day—a day which had begun with murder and closed with the most commonsensical of the staff believing herself...

A Puzzle for fools by Patrick Quentin

Shadow of Guilt

In her living room I fixed a shaker of martinis and slopped it all over my shirt sleeve. Then, realizing that the heat of my body would speed up evaporation, I took the shirt off and draped it over a chair. We sat together on the studio couch, watching the shirt, waiting.     ...

Shadow of Guilt by Patrick Quentin

Puzzle for Pilgrims (2015)

She was abstracted, almost unfriendly. As soon as we reached Mexico City, she left me. She got out of the car by the Caballito and walked away, slim and straight, through the clear sunlight toward the Arch of the Revolution. That night Iris telephoned and told me that Martin had moved into the ap...

Puzzle for Pilgrims (2015) by Patrick Quentin

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