While a brilliant mix of tragedy and comedy, Paul Murray's book can best be described, in my opinion, as akin to running a marathon. Long and arduous, and only truly appreciated at the end. The novel is truly unique as it finds a way to seamlessly include depression, drug abuse, sexual predation,...
Thirteen of my friends have read Skippy Dies with a consensus average rating of 4.5 stars. Two friends read An Evening of Long Goodbyes and gave it, on average, 2.5. This says two things: 1) I have clever, discerning friends, and 2) Paul Murray got better -- appreciably so, in fact. There may...
He saw the financial market, with its obsessive will to quantification, as the perfect instance of his totalizing system, his ‘eutrophication’ or ‘veil of Maya’ – a web of abstraction so complicated that it asphyxiated what it was supposed to explain before collapsing inevitably under its own wei...