Odds were pretty darned good that it was the one with the sheriff's car parked in front and a crowd of people clustered in the yard. I had highly unpleasant feelings about the reason for the activity, but held out a glimmer of hope that I was wrong. Maybe Dewayne was just having a going away part...
My insurance company finally gave in and paid for the last mess, but I had a feeling asking them to foot the bill on this one would be pushing my luck, not to mention my premiums.Now that we were back in the house, Jerry had calmed down a little--and taken off his reflective eyewear. He’d also ca...
Sheriff busied himself with official business while I lay like a corpse for two forensics experts to painstakingly powder, photograph, wrap and peel my arm with some kind of special Polaroid film-like stuff. It was not a speedy process and by the time I realized this was going to take three days ...