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P.D. Singer books

P.D. Singer
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Read Books by P.D. Singer


Un incendio in montagna (2014)

Bello, ma aspetto il sequel con impazienza! "Le goccioline scesero su di lui mentre rideva e si godeva la doccia improvvisata. La giornata era tiepida e il lavoro ci aveva fatto venir caldo e adesso era lì che si rigirava sotto l’acqua per rinfrescarsi. Rivoletti gli scendevano lungo le braccia ...

Un incendio in montagna (2014) by P.D. Singer

Fire on the Mountain (2012)

Voilà une chaude et sympathique romance chez deux jeunes soldats du feu. Jake est un étudiant de 21 ans, décidé à prendre une année sabbatique avant d'entamer des études de pharmacie. Toujours puceau, attiré par les garçons, il espère que passer les 5 mois de la saison d'été avec un garde foresti...

Fire on the Mountain (2012) by P.D. Singer


Two days of phone silence and grieving destroyed Christopher's sleep; when he did finally fall asleep the race was only a few hours in the future. He woke to find Luca contesting for King of the Mountain on the climb at the Berendries. "He's already accumulated twelve points on the hills, Frank. ...

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