Tom’s calling the local cops. We should get as many people as we can out looking for her.” “I told her to stay away from those stupid mines.” “I don’t think she went there, Bill.” “I hope not. She’s the only one who could fin...
You could barely tell where the doors had exploded; a gray cubical wall and two large plants covered the former entrance. Everyone filtered down the hall to the other door. If you didn’t know, you’d think this was the original plan. Almost the entire ballroom was filled wi...
I parked next to a black truck with massive wheels, maybe three feet tall, chrome running boards, and a rubber bag that looked like testicles hanging off its hitch. I always wondered what kind of man needs a vehicle with tires that huge. Was he showing off, part of the Monster Truck games I once ...
They are groups who meet and plan acts of violence against anyone they feel is hurting the planet.” “Like setting a fire at a refinery?” I asked, thinking about what Justin had found about my parents’ flight plan and secret landings. “Yes.” &n...
His voice was tight as he clipped out each word. I knew him well enough to know that he was fighting to keep his anger under control and his tone even. If nothing else, the man had learned not to over-react and bellow at me because it just made my spine tense up and my own anger bellow back. &nbs...
Several times my hair got in the way and I tried to pull it back. He reached over and stopped me. “I love your hair.” “You don’t have to deal with this mop on a daily basis,” I grumbled. “I wish I did.” &nbs...