Dell se queda viuda a sus cincuenta y un años, sin estudios, con poco dinero y una pregunta que la atormenta con no dejarla salir adelante: ¿Quién es la mujer con la que la engañó su marido?A pesar de todo, Dell tiene que intentar salir adelante y se encuentra rodeada de amigos que están dispuest...
Our heroine, Vita Kirk, thinks she has her life under control, with specific boundaries for people - this close and no closer. As we read, we see that these are an effort to protect herself from heartbreak, after being betrayed by her fiance and her sister.She lives alone, and states that she lik...
I have always had difficulty with fiction books specifically written for “inspiration” and this was of that genre so you can guess my reluctance. My reasons for staying shy of the genre are the usual, contrived plot, controlled vocabulary, too predictable etc. That is not to say I never recommend...