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Peter Dickinson books

Peter Dickinson
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Read Books by Peter Dickinson


The Yellow Room Conspiracy (1995)

Gerry Grantworth died mysteriously in the gas-filled Yellow Room at the Vereker family mansion. Gerry had been the passion of Lucy Vereker and the best friend of her lover, Paul. Now, 36 years later, as the two compare accounts of that fatal day, along with war years, sexual liaisons, political s...

The Yellow Room Conspiracy (1995) by Peter Dickinson

Eva (1990)

Fourteen-year-old Eva's parents work the the Chimp Pool, so she's grown up with the beloved animals. A car accident leaves her in an irreversible coma, so her consciousness is transferred into the body of a six-year-old chimpanzee named Kelly. The procedure was an experiment, but a successful one...

Eva (1990) by Peter Dickinson

A Bone From a Dry Sea (1995)

I immediately thought about this book when I started reading Sapiens, about the history of our species. It's an odd little novel that imagines our distant ancestors as sea apes. Half of the book follows Vinny, the daugher of a modern-day paleontologist (well, taphonomist) who visits the dig site ...

A Bone From a Dry Sea (1995) by Peter Dickinson

The Ropemaker (2003)

The Valley that young Tilja Urlasdaughter lives in has not always been the peaceful place that she is used to. Several generations back her beloved Valley was plagued by wild tribesmen attacking from the North and soldiers from the Empire attacking from the South. Finally four young people, two...

The Ropemaker (2003) by Peter Dickinson

The Lion Tamer's Daughter (1999)

The Lion Tamer's Daughter is one of four ghostly stories in this collection. All four show ordinary young people encountering something otherworldly and inexplicable. Time travel, ghosts, and two sets of unusual 'twins' are featured. (As a twin myself, I loved these.) Dickinson is a master of no...

The Lion Tamer's Daughter (1999) by Peter Dickinson

King and Joker (1993)

I have only read one of Peter Dickenson’s many detective crime novels (thanks to a recent Nancy Pearl recommendation,) and this novel was as immediately distinctive and engaging.Published in 1976 and set in Buckingham Palace and London of the mid 1970’s, the principal players are not members of t...

King and Joker (1993) by Peter Dickinson

The Devil's Children (1988)

After the mysterious Changes begin, twelve-year-old Nicola finds herself abandoned and wandering in an England where everyone has suddenly developed a horror and hatred of machines.

The Devil's Children (1988) by Peter Dickinson

The Tears of the Salamander (2009)

The Tears of the Salamander by Peter Dickinson is about a young boy named Alfredo who has a love of music and singing, but even more so of his family and helping his father, who is a baker, tend to the fiery ovens of his bakehouse. After a tragic event that killed his immediate family, he was tak...

The Tears of the Salamander (2009) by Peter Dickinson

Some Deaths Before Dying (1999)

SOME DEATHS BEFORE DYING. (1999). Peter Dickinson. ***.Rachael Marson is an old woman who is now essentially paralyzed by a crippling disease. Her mind is still active, though, and she can still talk, although with difficulty. All of her life she has involved herself in photography, and prod...

Some Deaths Before Dying (1999) by Peter Dickinson

The Kin (2003)

It is two hundred thousand years ago. A small group of children are cut off from their Kin, the Moonhawks, when they are driven from their "Good Place" by violent strangers. While searching for a new Good Place, they face the parched desert, an active volcano, a canyon flood, man-eating lions, an...

The Kin (2003) by Peter Dickinson

The Blue Hawk (2002)

I thought this was a book about the tension between religion, state, and freedom, and neither the plot nor the ideas seemed particularly gripping to me. But in the final pages of the book, the main character, Tron, shares his vision of "the Gods"--a vision that I found incredibly compelling. Usin...

The Blue Hawk (2002) by Peter Dickinson

Shadow of a Hero (1995)

As Eastern Europe lurches toward chaos after the fall of communism, at last it seems possible to Letta that she and her grandfather will be able to visit his homeland, the tiny country Varina.Varina is presently split among three big neighbors, but why shouldn't it be free? It has its own languag...

Shadow of a Hero (1995) by Peter Dickinson

Skeleton-In-Waiting (1989)

Britain’s beloved Princess Louise is a grown woman now, married to commoner Piers Chandler and enchanted by their infant son, Davy. While visiting a certain Mrs. Walsh—a mysterious old woman claiming to be a royal relation, a Romanov who escaped the terror of the Russian Revolution—Louise and lit...

Skeleton-In-Waiting (1989) by Peter Dickinson

The Glass Sided Ant's Nest (1968)

" fiction with the science left out and a proper detective story with clues and solutions" - Peter DickinsonAnother selection from the Keating book Crime and Mystery: The 100 Best Books, this time a late 60's British whodunnit with a quirky copper as the protagonist. I would never have ...

The Glass Sided Ant's Nest (1968) by Peter Dickinson

Sleep and His Brother (1986)

Very oddly compelling. I can't think of very many good procedurals which also have supernatural setups -- Kate Wilhelm's Death Qualified is another (I'm sure there are more, that's just one of the few I can think of right now). Very satisfying in that first-five-minutes-of-Prime-Suspect way in wh...

Sleep and His Brother (1986) by Peter Dickinson

Emma Tupper's Diary (1988)

Emma is spending the summer with her Scottish cousins—who are wonderful material for her attempt to win the School Prize for most interesting holiday diary. The cousins, lofty Andy, reserved Fiona, and fierce Roddy, are experimenting with their grandfather's dilapidated old mini-submarine to see ...

Emma Tupper's Diary (1988) by Peter Dickinson

Death of a Unicorn (1985)

When I was a kid, I loved Dickinson's 'Changes' trilogy, a post-apocalyptic sci-fi story set in Britain. I've read a few of his other books, including some of the short-stories he published with his wife, Robin McKinley (one of my very favorite authors), and always loved his sense of place and hi...

Death of a Unicorn (1985) by Peter Dickinson

The Old English Peep Show (2007)

Americans may have Colonial Williamsburg, but for the Brits, there's ?Old England, ? an elaborate theme park that pays homage to a similarly imaginary glorious past. At Old England, the woods are lush with game-birds and round every corner is a pink-cheeked, mob-capped maid bobbing a curtsey. It'...

The Old English Peep Show (2007) by Peter Dickinson

One Foot in the Grave (1981)

CWA Gold Dagger winner Peter Dickinson is back: Now-retired Scotland Yard superintendent James Pibble isn’t about to go quietly into the night—not when there’s a murder case or two (or three) to solve At Flycatchers, a well-to-do nursing home watched over by no-nonsense nurse Jenny, one-time d...

One Foot in the Grave (1981) by Peter Dickinson

A Box Of Nothing (1988)

After the man in the closed, empty shop gives James a box of nothing, he finds himself in the Dump, a bizarre world filled with strangely altered rubbish and large intelligent rats.

A Box Of Nothing (1988) by Peter Dickinson


It was the same kid, sitting perfectly still, unlike all the other little wrigglers from the Infants’ School.     “Tape hold out?” he asked.     She nodded and put her hand to touch the corner of her glasses, where he’d mended the broken hinge on the way to...

Healer by Peter Dickinson

In the Palace of the Khans

Nigel watched the last rocks being added to the pile while Janey adjusted his sling, adapted from a headscarf. The sun was well down the western sky, and beneath it the mountains of Dirzhan stretched away into the distance. It wasn’t a bad place to be buried, he thought. He fetched the map out of...

In the Palace of the Khans by Peter Dickinson


For me, I mean. Bit sad for Ted, tho’, cos it means Mr de Lancey’s winning. Not the whole game yet, but a set anyway. Thing is, we’re going on tour, specially ordered from Kaduna, and I’ve got to go too so as I can talk to the villagers! That’s in the actual memo. Ted brought it over and showed m...

Tefuga by Peter Dickinson

Perfect Gallows

“Very well. Benny sends his love.”     “Really well? You weren’t …”     “Apparently not, judging by the fact that two of the audience screamed just after Polly’s exit. How’s the hand?”     “It hurts when I think about it. I’m not really ...

Perfect Gallows by Peter Dickinson

The Poison Oracle

Even with the help of the radio beacon which Gaur had placed there, Gal-Gal had been hell to find in the mist; so the noise seemed to have gone on unbearably long while the helicopter had swung and hesitated, jerking in the erratic air, and the cabin had seemed to absorb heat into itself until it...

The Poison Oracle by Peter Dickinson


Everybody? Nobody? It was impossible to tell. Sumpa had vanished – but had he run away? Was he hiding? Was he prisoned in one of the hermit-caves? Was he dead? Again there was no clue. Tomdzay came to their room next morning to ask if they were comfortable and apologize for their treatment at the...

Tulku by Peter Dickinson

Walking Dead

They trundled four barrows, two holding weapons, one the body of Vine and one Cocoa Bean, conscious now but very feeble. They moved from dark to glare to dark, because the floodlighting on the quays was not uniform, and they made no special attempt at stealth except for Mace and Manioc, scouting ...

Walking Dead by Peter Dickinson

Inside Grandad (2004)

Except that nothing happened, and that was bad. It made it harder and harder to keep hoping, while everyone else was starting to give up. As the days went by Gavin began to imagine he could hear in everyone's voices—the nurses' and Mum's, even Gran's— that they were beginning to stop hoping. On t...

Inside Grandad (2004) by Peter Dickinson

The Sinful Stones

Instead he nearly drowned them all.     Television and the Hornblower books had hitherto been his total knowledge of the sea, but even from them he knew that you couldn’t just turn. You had to “come about”, wasn’t it? Obviously, if you just pushed the rudder over there’d come ...

The Sinful Stones by Peter Dickinson

The Gift

Davy had to go with her, for fear that she might get lost, too. She marched across the hillsides with a bird book in one hand, Ian’s binoculars around her neck and a transparent umbrella held sideways to shield her complexion from the chapping wind. She was determined to see something unusual, bu...

The Gift by Peter Dickinson

The Changes Trilogy

The room was bucketing about. His first thought was Earthquake! Then the noise came again as the two cans from last night’s supper rattled across the floor, and he remembered he was on Quern. She was rocking wildly. He ran out on deck and saw a big oil tanker belting eastward, trailing the ridged...

The Changes Trilogy by Peter Dickinson

Angel Isle

He put Maja’s case fairly enough but then argued so passionately against it that she wondered whether the others might guess something about the part of the conversation he hadn’t told them.“I don’t like it either,” said Saranja. “She’s been wasting away as it is, despite what Jex has been doing ...

Angel Isle by Peter Dickinson


No two such monuments adorn our literary landscape. And ‘Molly Benison’ too. There are echoes in her of more than one (I hope) of the rackety beauties of her period, but which of them it she? If any?     Is the reader to assume that the whole of this book, with the exception o...

Hindsight by Peter Dickinson

The Last Houseparty

Everybody went. The sort of person who did not expect to attend mattins on a Sunday morning was not the sort of person invited to Snailwood As for guests who might need to know the times of worship at the nearest synagogue, they were as likely as those enquiring where they could assist at a druid...

The Last Houseparty by Peter Dickinson

Play Dead

Denny looked at her in astonishment for a couple of seconds, then his lower lip projected, quivering, and he launched into a bawl of outrage. His face contorted and went scarlet and his body became rigid, except for the arm which pushed flailingly at the aggressor, who clung on, still screaming. ...

Play Dead by Peter Dickinson

Tears of the Salamander

There wasn’t much on it, just a bowl of thin broth and a single slice of bread. Alfredo was still hungry, but he spun it out, sipping the broth and nibbling the bread, and was only just finishing as Uncle Giorgio arrived. “Well, I trust you feel better,” he snapped. “You slept well?” “Yes, thank ...

Tears of the Salamander by Peter Dickinson

Earth and Air

These ticks hatch from eggs, go through a larval stage, pupate, emerge as adults, and mate. The male then dies. Nothing like this occurs with a wizand.     Having mated, however, the female tick climbs a grass stem or bush to a suitable height, tenses her limbs to spring, and ...

Earth and Air by Peter Dickinson

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