While in Bologna, the Gourmet Detective discovers food and passion are two Italian delicacies to die for...Dispatched by London's premier restauranteur to find the ultimate Italian chef, the Gourmet Detective heads for Italy undercover. Accompanied by a seductive guide, he sets out to savor the d...
When the world's finest restaurateurs need assistance, they know they can rely on the Gourmet Detective's discriminating palate to get the job done. After a family of eccentrically dysfunctional British aristocrats hires the sleuth to design a menu for their medieval-theme castle resort, he antic...
Recipes sizzle and intrigue simmers when the Gourmet Detective takes a ride on the twenty-fifth anniversary journey of the world-famous Danube Express. The stately railroad starts its route in the Alps and cuts through Austria, Hungary, and the former Yugoslavia before pulling up on the shores ...
This Gourmet Detective work is set in Switzerland, at a spa known for fine foods and exceptional resort experiences - like a flagelation jungle (that kills), an ice castle in a glacier (that kills), a mud bath (that kills) and an indoor herb garden (that kills). It's hard to imagine how The Gourm...
The Gourmet Detective: He's got a gift for food, a taste for adventure-and a nose for nabbing a killer. Critics hailed Peter King's debut novel, The Gourmet Detective, the first in a delicious mystery series featuring the Gourmet Detective-a chef-turned-culinary-sleuth. Now, in his second outin...
They treated her with such courtesy and were true gentlemen to her. They helped her from the car and onto the private jet, even as she tried to contain the stunned excitement all this was causing her. It was like a magical dream and she was the poor ignored princess found by a pair of Prince Char...
Katia continued to endear herself to Meg, as the young girl slowly slipped into the role of a slave. She became extremely compliant once she saw the cruel beating Katia received from Sam, but had trouble understanding why it made Katia so happy. But as Katia started to incorporate painful trials ...
I hurried along a corridor, made a turn and hurried along another. I didn’t recall the geography of the place from when the little lady had escorted me in, but it didn’t matter. When you’re escaping from a dead man with a gun, all roads lead to safety. I was puzzling over that paradox as I narrow...
They were angled at her, all three slaves forming a three-pronged circle facing each other. Her arms were at her sides, with four straps securing her torso to the chair. Her legs were also strapped to stirrups and bent at the knees, pulled wide apart to leave her sex open and available. Two more ...
That night he went to the bungalow where Mulholland's mother, Mrs Le Masurier lived, but she told him he was too late. The two men had surrendered the previous week. Ferbrache had to content himself with collecting information and even walked round the airport perimeter. He was taken off on the n...
The words brought an immediate response from Joseph Tourcoing. “Monsieur le Viscomte, this soufflé is magnificent! Never have I tasted better!” Murmurs of agreement ran from seat to seat. “Really superb, monsieur, really supe...
They wanted to know where to get quinoa, the protein-rich seeds of a high-altitude plant native to the Andes but used primarily in Mexican cooking. It resembles couscous but is much more nutty. I had to admit defeat in finding a European source but did manage to put them in touch with an old frie...
Karl Wengen, the representative on the national council of the canton of Aargau, was at my table, and it was inevitable that someone should ask the question that the Swiss hear every day. “How has Switzerland managed to remain neutral for centuries?” asked Bradley Thompson. As befitted a person w...