No wonder he was tired. It was gone seven a.m. It would be daylight out there. Real daylight, not just the images of it on the screens around the seventh-floor room, although, of course, strictly speaking those in real time were showing real daylight too. There was a slow ...
No boss sitting over me. My own little fiefdom. A fiefdom, of course, was precisely what it was intended to be: technically subservient to Reuters Bonn, the large office which covered the economic superpower that West Germany had become. It housed dozens of native staff wh...
And it says something for the romance and nostalgia which the railroads still evoke that it draws 600,000 visitors a year. But just walking through the door it is easy to see why. Standing in front of you – on a par with any reconstructed dinosaur (even Leonardo) – are som...
My plate of sliced pineapple, mango and papaya accompanied by thick mango juice and hot dark coffee hits the spot. The decision to take it at an outside table loses its charm when almost immediately a municipal drain clearing machine parks itself a metre way and begins sucking goop noisily from a...
He could no longer think of the world beyond the Wall as ‘over there’. It was beneath his feet. It was as if he was Alice in Wonderland, suddenly thrown back up through the rabbit hole into the real world. Only the piece of paper in his hand proved that it had not all been...