Warming his hands on a mug of coffee, he stares out the window of the studio at the forest. It was here in Montfort that his mother painted for years, almost until her death. Afterwards the place lay abandoned, left to squatters and thieves. Camille hardly gave it a thought and yet, for some obsc...
CRIME IMITATES ART Courbevoie–Tremblay Juge Deschamps, investigating magistrate in the double murder committed in Courbevoie, has revealed that a fake fingerprint found at the crime scene links the killing to the murder of Manuela Constanza, a 24-year-old prostitute whose mutilated body, hacked i...
“I’d rather you stayed …” Camille said, “assuming you can spare the time, obviously.” In general, collaboration between the national police force and the local police of the gendarmerie can be a little fractious, but Camille has a lot of time for regional officers. He feels he has a lot in common...
It took Sophie only a few hours to work out what makes the soldier tick. Now, she is simply honing her skills to match his interests, but she remains vigilant. He allows her to drag him to see “24 Heures de la vie d’une femme” and pretends to enjoy it. “In the novel it was different, there were o...