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Pope, Christine books

pope, christine
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Read Books by pope, christine


gaian consortium 06 - zhore deception

After all, they had no need of separate apartments, now that they had shared themselves fully. But when he asked her, she’d only shaken her head and told him,“Not yet, Zhandar.”He hadn’t insisted, although her refusal troubled him greatly. She seemed happy enough to let matters remain as they wer...

gaian consortium 06 - zhore deception by pope, christine

Ashes of Roses (Tales of the Latter Kingdoms Book 4)

Once again I had little opportunity to speak with my aunt, for the early hour meant that Janks was not yet abed, and so we had to settle for a few whispers setting the time for our meeting the following night before she departed and I scurried into the kitchen. But at least coming home at that ho...

Ashes of Roses (Tales of the Latter Kingdoms Book 4) by pope, christine

Breath of Life (The Gaian Consortium Series)

However, that’s little consolation when you’re stuck on a rock light-years from where you were born, scrabbling to make enough to keep your homestead going and maybe put enough aside so that you’ll get something a little fancier than a plain plastic box when it’s time for you to depart this morta...

Breath of Life (The Gaian Consortium Series) by pope, christine

djinn wars 03 - fallen

The faintest muddy-orange glow lingered on the western horizon, and only the brightest stars had begun to come out. That made me feel a little better, although once we crossed the invisible line that marked the edge of the safe zone and I saw Jace sit up straighter in his seat and let out a harsh...

djinn wars 03 - fallen by pope, christine

Binding Spell (Tales of the Latter Kingdoms)

I said dully, and Beranne stared at me with lifted brows.     “Whatever do you mean, my lady? His lordship is right over there — ”     “His lordship is otherwise engaged,” I snapped, cruel disappointment sharpening my tone.     Her expre...

Binding Spell (Tales of the Latter Kingdoms) by pope, christine

gaian consortium 03 - the gaia gambit

This was one of those days when it felt as if the trinials hanging down his back weighed twice as much as they normally did, and the news his source had just delivered hadn’t done anything to improve matters.Ganymede. Might as well be right in the heart of old Gaia for all the good the informatio...

gaian consortium 03 - the gaia gambit by pope, christine

djinn wars 01 - chosen

I startled awake, sitting bolt upright and blinking against the darkness. Only it wasn’t completely dark, as the pillar candle still burned bravely in its dish on the coffee table. Thank God for that, because the dog was sitting in front of the door, teeth bared in a snarl, a deep, bone-rattling ...

djinn wars 01 - chosen by pope, christine

gaian consortium 05 - the titan trap

Derek watched her fine profile as it was silhouetted against the ’car window, the bright Tucson sunlight throwing the outlines of her nose and mouth and chin into sharp relief. It seemed clear enough that she didn’t dare broach the subject of what had just happened in his parents’ house, although...

gaian consortium 05 - the titan trap by pope, christine

No Return: A Contemporary Phantom Tale

The empty house around him suddenly seemed suffocating, oppressive. Jerome had ridden off in the ambulance with Ennis, and not fifteen minutes ago Erik had gotten a call from his assistant, who told him that it looked as if Ennis was going to make it, even though he’d probably be in intensive car...

No Return: A Contemporary Phantom Tale by pope, christine

Playing With Fire

So busy. So preoccupied. So small. He hadn’t chosen this particular downtown roof for any real reason. One seemed as good as another. To the west, beyond L.A.’s sprawl and its famed beaches, the sun lay buried in a haze of smog and smoke. The hills above Malibu were burning again. The scene remin...

Playing With Fire by pope, christine

Dragon Rose

When I awoke, however, I felt curiously unrefreshed, as if I had not really slept at all.  The pot of bracing tea Melynne brought up for me in the morning helped a little, although my mood was not improved by the view I caught of the lowering day outside my windows. I’d had some notion that perha...

Dragon Rose by pope, christine

tales of the latter kingdom 08 - moon dance

True, there was the occasional fallen branch or patch of weeds, but once I began walking, I found I followed a faint path that wound its way through the trees, taking me deeper and deeper into the forest. From time to time, I would hear a rustling off somewhere in the undergrowth and pause, certa...

tales of the latter kingdom 08 - moon dance by pope, christine

djinn wars 02 - taken

she growled as she stood at the kitchen sink, rinsing away the last of the day’s grime from her hands. For someone who took as much care in her appearance as she did, she didn’t seem to worry too much about her fingernails, only that they were clean. She kept them clipped short and didn’t bother ...

djinn wars 02 - taken by pope, christine

djinn wars 04 - broken

Julia told herself. This isn’t so bad.She and Shawn Gutierrez sat in one of the booths at Pajarito’s, the former gastropub that had somehow turned into the center of the revived Los Alamos community. By that point, it was almost four thirty, and people were beginning to trickle in after putting i...

djinn wars 04 - broken by pope, christine

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