However, as I stood over the bloody, lifeless body of Captain Christopher Barclay, as well as no less than seven of his crew, as usual it was too late to change my mind. Change my mind, indeed. As if I had a choice. As if I’ve ever had a choice that didn’t involve a fight,...
LeAnna had come in just after two o’clock and cleaned the room as I sat quietly on the small balcony overlooking the orange groves. She collected our filthy clothes and placed sorely needed fresh linens on the bed. I was starving, and my raging appetite caused my stomach to roll and roar, forcing...
“Ohhhhhh…” Cassandra moaned, rolling onto her back. “Cass, what the hell?” “I couldn’t sleep. The room was spinning around, so I went outside to get some air and when I returned, your boy was in my bed. I didn’t have the heart, or the senses, to wake him. My God, what is that glorious smell?” “My...
Cass said, once Miranda and Keara had fallen asleep. “I know,” Ivory replied, staring at the battered oak table top and trying to come up with a solution. “I’m sure the one who got away is long back aboard that ship and has informed his mates of wha...