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Rachel Hartman books

Rachel Hartman
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Books: 7 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.11

Read Books by Rachel Hartman


Serafina - Wie alles begann (2012)

Le novelle (o novelette, a seconda della lunghezza) prequel stanno diventando un passaggio quasi obbligato, ormai, per poter dare avvio a una nuova serie in ambito fantasy e fantascientifico; personalmente, non mi dispiace affatto avere un assaggio di quella che sarà la storia e, soprattutto, lo ...

Serafina - Wie alles begann (2012) by Rachel Hartman

Seraphina Prequel (2012)

Se domande come "Come mai Seraphina è maestra di musica della principessa Glissenda?" oppure "Come ha fatto ad ottenere il suo ruolo?" vi tormentano, questo corto, anzi cortissimo prequel è proprio quello che ci vuole.Con una comparsata di Orma e un Viridius più malmesso di quanto ricordassi, leg...

Seraphina Prequel (2012) by Rachel Hartman

Seraphina. La ragazza con il cuore di drago. (2000)

Wah, Seraphina 0,5. I didn't know that there's a prequel for Seraphina. It's the story of her audition to be the palace music assistant. Some people recommended this to everyone who is going to read Seraphina. Because this novella will introduce the universe inside the story very well, so you won...

Seraphina. La ragazza con il cuore di drago. (2000) by Rachel Hartman

Serafina - Das Königreich der Drachen - Wie alles begann ... (2012)

This was a fast, fun read set prior to the events of Seraphina in the same world. I wasn't expecting much from it, as it was just the story of Seraphina's audition with the master prior to the events of Seraphina, and I hadn't read Seraphina in quite awhile. But I ended up enjoying The Audition v...

Serafina - Das Königreich der Drachen - Wie alles begann ... (2012) by Rachel Hartman

Seraphina: The Audition (2000)

I loved Seraphina, and I was so excited to find this prequel story. I didn't realize that I wanted to know how Seraphina beat out all of the other students for the position with Viridius, but after reading this story I'm so glad that we find out! This story is really short - only around 17 pages ...

Seraphina: The Audition (2000) by Rachel Hartman


The prince, when I finally dared to look at him again, seemed amused. He gestured broadly. “You are finished here, one hopes?” “Yes, thank you,” I said, managing to keep any tremor out of my voice. “If you wish to question the knights yourself, perhaps I can meet you tomorrow morning—” “Oh no,” h...

Seraphina by Rachel Hartman

Shadow Scale (2015)

Sir Maurizio motioned us toward places on the floor beside a large map covered in little figurines. The morning sun shone through tiny holes in the canvas ceiling. “You’ll forgive an old man taking the only chair, Prince, Seraphina,” said Sir Cuthberte, rubbing his knees as if they ached. Besides...

Shadow Scale (2015) by Rachel Hartman

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