I did not like this book-- too dark, too sexual, probably too deep for me. I am still trying to figure out why he feels he is half cockroach. Was he feeling that he is a pest (he spends time killing cockroaches in his apartment), that he has no worth, etc.? I did not like how he invaded people...
This is a very enjoyable book for two main reasons:One: It it true to its title. The carnival theme, feel, smell and energy is present throughout the work. You never miss a beat, and the narrative is not short of side-show attractions ;)Two: You can feel that moments shared are fluid and can fit ...
الحيوات الملوّنة تختفي وراء المنعطف، والرواية قادرة على جرّ خطونا لكشف تلك الحيوات المخبّأة، والقراءة هي وسيلة الكشف الأجمل لعالم تلك الحيوات الساحرة!«راوي حاج، كاتب لبناني كندي، ولد في بيروت، وترعرع بين بيروت وقبرص. ثم انتقل إلى نيويورك عام 1982، وبعد إنهاء دراسته في معهد نيويورك للتصوير، انتقل ...
This time, the therapist was interested in my mother. My mother, I said, has kinky hair. What else? she asked. A long face and pointy teeth. What does she do? Well, I said, when...
When my mother, the trapeze artist with the golden hair, tossed me out of her self to the applause of elephants and seals, there was rain outside and the caravans were about to leave. She nursed me through the passages of roads and the follies of clowns and the bitter songs of an old dwarf who pr...