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Rebecca Dessertine books

Rebecca Dessertine
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.99

Read Books by Rebecca Dessertine


War of the Sons (2011)

I have read a couple of SN novels and this was my least favourite. First of all, after reading the reviews here I fell compelled to look for all spelling mistakes and that ruined it a bit for me as I found many. Secondly, Rebecca wrote the book in a feminine/YA kind of way touching the subject of...

War of the Sons (2011) by Rebecca Dessertine

One Year Gone (2011)

A longer review is coming when I'm on my computer. All I can say right now is thank gods that's over!Later:To be absolutely honest, the only reason I finished this book is because I paid for it, and it took me over three months to get through it. If it had been fanfic I came across on the web, I ...

One Year Gone (2011) by Rebecca Dessertine

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