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Rebecca Zanetti books

Rebecca Zanetti
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Read Books by Rebecca Zanetti


Forgotten Sins (2013)

Cheesy, cliché, predictable yet still entertaining and fun. Go into it without intending to be critical (I mean it, don't think too hard or use logic or any other inconvenient analysis tool) and have a great light, fast-paced, tongue-in-cheek read. Quite a bit of "He-man" tactics on display, bord...

Forgotten Sins (2013) by Rebecca Zanetti

Shadowed (2013)

Poor, poor Jase Karys :( He is so haunted and just plain sad and angry. I love that we get to read his story and the fact that he ends up with Brenna is just even better!This book has so many twists and turns that it had me jumping and laughing and crying! I just wanted everyone to be okay and ha...

Shadowed (2013) by Rebecca Zanetti

Wicked Burn

She sat at the power position on the Council, surrounded by the other healthy members, including Simone. “Again, Mr. Veis, who alerted you to Simone’s presence in the Seattle penthouse?” Peter Gallagher asked. Nick bit back a sharp retort. “Again, Mr. Gallagher, I know where Simone is at all time...

Wicked Burn by Rebecca Zanetti

Shadowed (Dark Protectors)

Her time with Lily hadn’t provided answers, so she’d decided to seek her own. Alone in an underground office, she’d set up a fountain in the corner, and the bubbling water offered solace. Humming along, she slid into a world that used to belong to dreams only. Dreams that had been filled with her...

Shadowed (Dark Protectors) by Rebecca Zanetti

Tricked: A Dark Protectors Novella

The tempo was fast, which was good since she’d quickly discovered she couldn’t slow dance with another man.Her skin had flared like she’d been on fire.Stupid mating allergy.For now, she moved with Lance, both of them surveying the bar that was closed for the private party. Cops danced around them...

Tricked: A Dark Protectors Novella by Rebecca Zanetti


“Oh.” She thought she had more time to figure things out, to try and remember her life. Her feel-ings for the wolf were strong, but were they strong enough?     He shoved open his door and reached for her, unsnapping her belt and tugging her across the seat. “Do you love me?” ...

Twisted by Rebecca Zanetti


She cried out and backed into a cabinet, her gaze wide on the advancing Kurjan. His fingers morphed into needles. Big, dangerous, vampire killing needles. She screamed. “Sarah. Milaya, wake up.” Gentle hands shook her shoulders. The scent of cedar filled her nostrils. She opened her eyes, and the...

Tempted by Rebecca Zanetti

Against the Wind, Season 2, Episode 1 (Rising Storm)

His ribs ached, his knuckles pounded, and his damn chest hurt. He’d tried to apologize to his brother again, and he’d gotten punched in the face.Not that he could blame Tate.God, what a mess. If he thought, for one second, that Hannah and Tate could be happy together, he’d leave town in a heartbe...

Against the Wind, Season 2, Episode 1 (Rising Storm) by Rebecca Zanetti

Claimed (2011)

The cement sparkled in the sun, returning waves of heat to the bleached white sky. The helicopters had lifted into the air with barely a swish of sound, taking Dage to war. To blood and death. Her hands trembled and she sought her center. The cool forest behind her failed to provide the peace her...

Claimed (2011) by Rebecca Zanetti

Shadow Falling (The Scorpius Syndrome #2)

—Dr. Vinnie Wellington, Sociopaths Vinnie smoothed Raze’s hair back from his heated forehead as he kept eerily still. His muscles twitched once in a while, but even unconscious, he seemed to be in perfect control. Most patients thrashed around and cried out. Not Raze. The fever swelled from him, ...

Shadow Falling (The Scorpius Syndrome #2) by Rebecca Zanetti

Sins Brothers [1] Forgotten Sins

Now she had to convince three larger-than-life jackasses she needed to go to work. There was suddenly way too much testosterone in her life.The good news was that since Shane had been freed, he could openly bring her to work. No more hiding. Which was good because she disliked lying to her cowork...

Sins Brothers [1] Forgotten Sins by Rebecca Zanetti

Blind Faith

She’d wanted the veggie but figured a baby needed protein. Right? Man, she needed to get ahold of a few pregnancy books. Last time she hadn’t been pregnant long enough to really study the situation or get a feel for it, so right now, confusion ruled her mind. Although, the turkey tasted delicious...

Blind Faith by Rebecca Zanetti

Under the Covers

Maybe not dashing, but definitely handsome and stronger than the mountains around them.     “My stomach is in knots.” Juliet smoothed her skirt.     He glanced toward Loni and Tom’s sprawling ranch house. “Either I won or I lost and will run for sheriff nex...

Under the Covers by Rebecca Zanetti


Fear tasted like acid in her throat, and an unwelcomed heat filled her lungs as a prelude to a possible panic attack. “Your brother just shot at us?” “Apparently.” Chalton eyed the festive storefronts now speeding by. “Stop at the next light and let us out,” he ordered the driver. Olivia edged to...

Teased by Rebecca Zanetti

Total Surrender

A cord, tightly wound, lay in the corner. She grabbed it, her hand shaking. She’d found it.     Turning, she hurried out of the hidden room in time to see her father’s eyes flutter shut. Jory dropped him to the ground and staggered back.     Chance stood to...

Total Surrender by Rebecca Zanetti


“Enough of this. The Kurjans and demons are not peaceful species, and frankly, neither are vampires. These talks are just a trap, and you know it.” Irritation sizzled Dage’s eyes into a metallic silver. “There’s no way to trap us. Even with our best minds, we can’t figure out a way to trap them s...

Tamed by Rebecca Zanetti

Against the Wall

And prenatal vitamins. She took a deep breath and opened the door to face Jake. Then she stopped cold at the sight of Loni, Tom, Dawn, Colton, Quinn, and Hawk all sitting in the waiting room.     Jake held his head in his hands but looked up at her gasp. “Melanie Johnson saw u...

Against the Wall by Rebecca Zanetti

Marked (2014)

If they hadn’t been in the dream world, he might not have been able to hold back. Janie wanted him as badly as he craved her, but now was a bad time. A seriously bad time. Plus, the first time he took her, he wanted it to be real. She needed to make the decision facing the real him and not a drea...

Marked (2014) by Rebecca Zanetti

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