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Reid, Thomas M. books

Reid, Thomas M.
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Read Books by Reid, Thomas M.


The Gossamer Plain

Zasian shouted, urging his companions to follow. Vhok parried a club strike from a fiery centaur and jammed the blade of Burnblood into the creature’s chest. The bandit bellowed and reared up in pain as the hole erupted with molten goo. The cambion had to fling himself backward to avoid his foe’s...

The Gossamer Plain by Reid, Thomas M.

The Fractured Sky

Micus asked, incredulous. “You would stand before this High Council and refuse to answer the questions put before you? I find that irresponsible, short sighted, and unwise.” Eirwyn shrugged her shoulders and smiled. “Nonetheless,” she said, “I do not wish to discuss this.” Micus pursed his lips t...

The Fractured Sky by Reid, Thomas M.

The Crystal Mountain

Garin shouted at three archons following him through the forest. “It went that way!” He pointed toward a tangle of underbrush. One of the surviving demons had plunged through a narrow gap in the snarl of brambles and weeds, fleeing the angel and his servitors. Garin could hear the wretched thing ...

The Crystal Mountain by Reid, Thomas M.

Sapphire Crescent

Emriana sobbed, her face buried in her pillows. “He ever even talked to me about it!” Jaleene sat beside her charge, gently stroking her hair and trying to soothe the girl with soft sounds. “Your grandmother would never let this happen,” the handmaiden said. “When she finds out, she’ll put a stop...

Sapphire Crescent by Reid, Thomas M.

Emerald Sceptre

Emriana had not blamed her for wanting to stalk right up to the gates of House Matrell, just the two of them, and demand to be let in, but she knew better than to trust that the guards would make way for them to enter the dwelling. Grozier and Marga had turned them out, and it had seemed to be al...

Emerald Sceptre by Reid, Thomas M.

Ruby Guardian

Though the chances of the Abreeant encountering another priest in that particular section of the temple—a seldom-used wing devoted primarily to storage—at that time of the night was unlikely, he did not wish to be seen. Even the suggestion of impropriety on his part would make the young priest lo...

Ruby Guardian by Reid, Thomas M.

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