He was agitated by the deepness of the night and their incompetence in finding the Flame. His leadership skills failed him and even as he tried to hold order between the members of the Daed it was useless. The others said nothing as he rounded the hearth fire. He held his hands out and focused on...
She shivered, clutching her traveling cloak to her shoulders. They were covered in a sea of mists, the boat tossing tumultuously in the black water. It wasn’t long before they glided towards a land mass, stopping on the rocks. Krishani stepped out, water splashing onto his boots as he held a hand...
Kaliel took a spot away from the commotion and began cutting up the herbs she had collected.“How did you manage to take so long finding these?” Luenelle asked.Kaliel looked at the chamomile flowers and winced. “To be honest, I don’t even know if I have the right ones.”Luenelle cringed and went to...
They pulled the horses along the path, but the mountains were deceiving. Their ranges rose and fell over the land in mismatched patterns. Sometimes they thought they were at peaks and other times they found themselves staring at their outlines, black against the setting sun. Krishani was too tire...