With a minimum of effort, she had begun to rotate on the lunar wheel.At night, when the light was off, the attic normally was as black as the franks at a firebug’s weenie roast. In that part of the world, however, the full moon always rose in the east, and on those nights when the moon was bigges...
Countless are the antelope hooves that have pounded this floor. No wonder the linoleum is worn.This is the room where the black virgin was kidnapped, later to be caged in the grand mosque at Mecca. After all these years, they are still interrogating her about the location of true north. “Why won’...
8 Kraft paper bag lay discarded in the hills of Dakota—and appeared to live where it lay.Now empty and leathery-wrinkled, the bag had been twice full. Once, long ago, it had borne a package of buns and a jar of mustard to a kitchenette rendezvous with fried hamburger. More recently, the bag had h...