This collection of essays put together by Cheryl Strayed explored a diversity of subjects and were for the most part enjoyable to read. The best essay of the bunch was by Vanessa Veselka. Other exceptional ones written by Matthew Vollmer, William Kelley, Angela Morales, Zadie Smith, Brian Doyle a...
Enjoy these throughly, which shouldn't be a surprise (they're the best of the best). Must have been one of C. Hitchens' last projects. Standouts (for me):-Bad Lion (messier side of nature)-The Elegant Eyeball (I have a family member with macular degeneration)-A Rake's Progress (on former Mayor Ba...
I had just hitched a ride and was sitting in a nearby truck waiting for the driver to pay for gas so we could leave. When they found her, there was shouting. A man from the restaurant ran out and started yelling for everyone to stay away as a small crowd gathered around the dumpster in the rain. ...