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Roberta Latow books

Roberta Latow
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Read Books by Roberta Latow


Tidal Wave (1990)

Arabella Crawford spent twenty years building a multimillion-dollar worldwide business empire. Now, she's ready to enjoy life. She begins by booking passage from France to America on a fabulous ocean liner. On board, she meets Nicholas Frayne, a famous movie star with political ambitions. The mom...

Tidal Wave (1990) by Roberta Latow

This Stream of Dreams (Mirella, Rashid and Adam Book 2)

For a second, when she opened the door, that same powerful feeling of déjà vu returned. She wavered on her feet. Only the memory of Deena’s joy and her absence from the room steadied her. Was life made up of just a series of memories? Something was happening in the room and she wished that her ol...

This Stream of Dreams (Mirella, Rashid and Adam Book 2) by Roberta Latow

Three Rivers

After three brandies, she finished a cup of coffee and then called for the bill. She was told yet again by the headwaiter that the bill had been paid. She picked up the five hundred drachmas that Kate had thrown down on the table and none-too-steadily raised herself to her feet. She was on her wa...

Three Rivers by Roberta Latow

The Sweet Caress

It was therefore easy enough even in a small town like Newbampton for Jessica and Tom to conduct their sexual liaisons in secret. Their friendship and work together was open and above board, considered by the gossips to be nothing more than platonic. For the first few months Jessica was amused to...

The Sweet Caress by Roberta Latow

Objects of Desire

Page knew how to move, she had the body and stature to walk through a crowd as gracefully as an animal would pick its way, in long, cautious strides and seductive steps. The rich auburn hair and sensuous green eyes, fair skin and pointed chin set in a perfect oval face – she was Vivien Leigh as S...

Objects of Desire by Roberta Latow

Acts of Love

Chapter 9 Women sometimes do that. Play little games with themselves to muster the courage to step out of themselves and into the unknown. At such times, real desires sometimes get confused with the game and what they think they should want. Arianne’s game was to keep asking herself: Where would ...

Acts of Love by Roberta Latow

A Rage to Live

It gave her a view of the crescent-shaped bay and the beach. The rooms had for generations been the master’s suite at Hollihocks. The place in the house and the view that she had always coveted but had never dreamed would one day be hers. The house was a hive of activity. Her instructions to the ...

A Rage to Live by Roberta Latow

Cheyney Fox

Grant Madigan waved a cablegram at the short, dark man, who beamed a wily smile at him. Both pairs of eyes were simultaneously cruising the bar of the Gezira Sporting Club sizing up the most attractive women. Grant Madigan stood up, towering over his friend, and the two men shook hands and walked...

Cheyney Fox by Roberta Latow

White Moon Black Sea

More, they always wanted more, and it had to be different and more thrilling. Both were masters of getting what they wanted. In the morning, sitting on the balcony where they could look over the sea and partaking of a breakfast of champagne, fresh figs and strawberries, omelets stuffed with wild ...

White Moon Black Sea by Roberta Latow

Secret Souls

On occasion it would take aim, hit the window with a splash and the salt water would run down the glass. It was as if all the lights of the world had been turned on or the sun had burst through the roof of the small ancient building that had once been a place of worship, a mosque. Everything seem...

Secret Souls by Roberta Latow

Take Me Higher

People envied her English garden, and lawns, her tennis court and cricket pitch; considered the house itself, tucked away behind flowering shrubs and trees, to be enchanting. It had a reputation for being very private and off bounds as a party place. Ira had bought her the house, which had been e...

Take Me Higher by Roberta Latow

Only in the Night

Eliza rose admirably to a London life with John, and a sexual life with him that kept her on the edge of lust very nearly every waking moment they were together. He had the measure of her. She was malleable, dizzily in love with her sexuality and with him. He could mould her any way he pleased an...

Only in the Night by Roberta Latow

Her One Obsession

He’s belonged to the world for a very long time and it’s admirable how you’ve managed to handle that,’ said Orlando as he slipped an arm round his sister’s shoulders and kissed the top of her head. Ben and Dendre had found him standing in front of a portrait of Dendre that was on loan from the Mu...

Her One Obsession by Roberta Latow

Body and Soul

It was to be a star-spangled production and he was ready for it. All the French opera world was anticipating its exploding volcano special effects and the extensive use of ballet dancers in a long and difficult opera that was rarely performed. One more rehearsal would have been more advantageous ...

Body and Soul by Roberta Latow


Every so often he would suddenly gaze at Amy and make the odd remark, such as, ‘You are incredibly naive, I never realised that.’ ‘Oh, do you really think so?’ ‘You’re very American. Basically bourgeois.’ ‘I don’t consider myself bourgeois. I don’t think I live a bourgeois life.’ ‘Most bourgeois ...

Forbidden by Roberta Latow

The Pleasure Seekers

The verdict had been bad, it could not have been worse, but it was at least declared and out in the open. That evening the port was swarming with people. Old and young, entire families, people who rarely came to the port at night, those who did only on holidays or when there was an event. The sho...

The Pleasure Seekers by Roberta Latow

Those Wicked Pleasures

Maybe even, in its own peculiar way, romance on a grand scale. There was a real bond between Lara and Jamal, a depth to his caring for her. The clandestine quality was confined to their sexual escapades. There were surprise holidays in Rio and Paris, a week in a castle in the Atlas mountains in M...

Those Wicked Pleasures by Roberta Latow

Her Hungry Heart

Odd to see those grand old iron contraptions manned by armed security guards, FBI ones at that. For as long as she could remember the gates had remained open. Beechtrees had been a wild and wonderful place where she and her brother had played and run free. Since her Royal guests had taken up resi...

Her Hungry Heart by Roberta Latow

Embrace Me

Quite suddenly James handed the mobile to Arthur. ‘It just occurred to me that you’re the one who discovered this so you should be the one to report it to the authorities. It really has nothing to do with me or my family. It’s you they’ll want to question.’ He placed the phone in Arthur’s hand th...

Embrace Me by Roberta Latow

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