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Robinson, Jeremy books

Robinson, Jeremy
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Read Books by Robinson, Jeremy


Patriot (A Jack Sigler Continuum Novella)

Reardon asked, glancing back at Finkle, who immediately riffled through the copied journal. They’d left Nichols back at camp to tend to Jenkins and the young sailor who’d become infected with vine growth later that day. King had led them on their trek through the St. Johns River basin. Now, only ...

Patriot (A Jack Sigler Continuum Novella) by Robinson, Jeremy

Callsign: Knight

  As they ran toward the distant skyscraper, Knight heard gunfire and clanging noises coming from the top of the parking structure. Corporal Jenkins turned back and said, “He’s in trouble. We’ve got to go back and help him.”     Beck grabbed the remaining SAS officer by t...

Callsign: Knight by Robinson, Jeremy

Callsign: Queen

It was well past nightfall, and no one was about. She had spent the past few hours in hiding, reading up on her destination and observing the comings and goings of disinterested local police. One pass every thirty minutes, and scarcely a glance spared for anything but the road. They were simply g...

Callsign: Queen by Robinson, Jeremy

The Last Hunter - Lament (Book 4 of the Antarktos Saga)

Kat says to Em. We’ve just returned to the top of the waterfall leading to Edinnu, carried up the distance by the wind. As with everything in the garden, getting us all up was an effortless task, but as soon as I stepped into the tunnel, I felt weary. Not exhausted, but sort of like if you play t...

The Last Hunter - Lament (Book 4 of the Antarktos Saga) by Robinson, Jeremy

Callsign: King

  As soon as they arrived at Fulbright’s “safe house,” Sara transferred the blood samples from her bag to the refrigerator.  Less than an hour had passed since she and Fulbright had been whisked away from the hospital by helicopter.  A short flight to a private airfield had followe...

Callsign: King by Robinson, Jeremy

Callsign: Bishop

  Dawoud couldn’t believe it as he was led back through the facility. The two Iranian agents had captured him right as he was leaving the Naqsh e-Rustam. How had they known how to get inside?     Faiza, it had to be her. She must have known more than she allowed him to be...

Callsign: Bishop by Robinson, Jeremy

Callsign: Deep Blue

  Under Section Dock, Former Manifold Alpha facility White Mountains, NH   Gino Ravenelli could not believe the day he was having. He was wearing the pony bottle and the dive mask, thank God, so they kept the raw sewage from entering his nose, mouth or eyes, but he couldn’t see a thing....

Callsign: Deep Blue by Robinson, Jeremy


He realized that they’d fallen through a triggered hatch that was now quickly, and quietly, closing. All thoughts of the hatch left his mind as his body impacted against a cold stone floor. He landed at an odd angle, which compressed his ribs near to breaking and knocked the wind out of him.Unabl...

Threshold by Robinson, Jeremy

Callsign: King II- Underworld

  Pierce and De Bord ran for their lives.     Pierce blamed himself. He had been overconfident in his belief that the creatures would continue to ignore them, and so had ventured further into their subterranean territory than was, he now realized looking back, wise.  ...

Callsign: King II- Underworld by Robinson, Jeremy

Callsign: Rook

The right front tire of the car blew out at the same time, and Rook wrenched the wheel to keep from hurtling off the cliff into the ocean. When the car came to a stop, he pulled out the Desert Eagle, opened the driver’s door, and kept himself low to the ground when he exited.    &n...

Callsign: Rook by Robinson, Jeremy

The Last Hunter - Descent (Book 1 of the Antarktos Saga)

Nearly two hundred miles. We’re traveling at a steady twenty miles per hour. If we don’t stop we’ll make it there in ten hours, and that’s assuming there are no mountains or fissures in the way. That’s a full day’s drive in a cramped Sno-Cat cabin. There are four cats in our train, each carrying ...

The Last Hunter - Descent (Book 1 of the Antarktos Saga) by Robinson, Jeremy

Apocalypse Machine

At any other time in the history of the Situation Room’s existence, fifteen years would have brought a lot of changes. From landlines to cellphones and then smartphones. From notepads to PDAs and then tablets. From paper maps to interactive touch-screen displays with satellite imagery. But now, d...

Apocalypse Machine by Robinson, Jeremy

The Last Hunter - Ascent (Book 3 of the Antarktos Saga)

Not straight down anyway. There’s nothing to fall from. The motion was from right to left, but also downward. He was falling, but in an arc, like he was launched from a cannon.Or thrown by something very large.Then it hits me. The fireworks are gunshots. And if the man sailing by overhead was thr...

The Last Hunter - Ascent (Book 3 of the Antarktos Saga) by Robinson, Jeremy

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