I would hardly describe this collection of letters from Roger Mortimer to his steadfastly wayward son Charlie as 'hilarious', but it does paint a somewhat touching portrait of a relationship between males of vastly differing generations. Both men are products of their eras (pre- and post-war, to ...
I read this on the plane and found it rather sad and not at all funny. It conveys quite well what used to be the life of a certain part of the English upper classes, but it seems to me that these we-inherited-our-money and-don't-know-what-to-do-with-life people have a pretty dreary outlook on lif...
. . 10 Blood is Thicker than Water Blood may be thicker than water but it is also a great deal nastier. E. C. Somerville and Martin Ross,Some Experiences of an Irish R.M. (1899) As he arrived in the world, my father encountered his first relation. His mother. It was not an encouraging start. His ...