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Romans, Bobbi books

Romans, Bobbi
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Read Books by Romans, Bobbi


Under the Full Moon (Crimson Romance)

From her. His heart thundered in his chest. His hands shook when he reached to hit zoom on the camera’s monitors. After all these years of wondering. Of deep rooted desire and need to see her up close. Under his roof. Yeah he’d checked up on her. Made sure she’d been as safe as he could keep her,...

Under the Full Moon (Crimson Romance) by Romans, Bobbi

Swamp Magic (Crimson Romance)

She gasped at the slight sting on her neck. The spot he’d been working with such fevered intent. Not painful as no sooner than she felt it … then the world around her exploded into a multitude of sensations and emotions. She trembled from whatever the bite did to her but, at the moment, she didn’...

Swamp Magic (Crimson Romance) by Romans, Bobbi

It Came Upon a Midnight Dream

Polly commented in passing. “I’m sorry. Sleep’s been rather sketchy this past week.” I stretched my arms above my head and refilled the coffee filter before flipping the switch on. I hadn’t meant to be so snappish to Zach, the coffee distributor, but I’d told the guy no countless times and he ref...

It Came Upon a Midnight Dream by Romans, Bobbi

To Yank a Tiger by the Tail

Most would have bundled up in their cable-knit sweaters or donned coats to prevent the chill from overtaking them. Tiger shifters had no such worries. Their blood ran warmer than humans’ did. Dax rubbed his palms across Zhara’s suitcase and worried about what she wore. No doubt she’d spent an eve...

To Yank a Tiger by the Tail by Romans, Bobbi

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