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Rory Black books

Rory Black
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Read Books by Rory Black


The Blood of Iron Eyes (2007)

In Arizona territory, bounty hunter Iron Eyes adds another outlaw to his tally and heads for the town of Hope to collect his reward money. Unfortunately, the outlaw had worked for Brewster Fontaine, who pretty much owns the whole town - including the bank... Fontaine orders his hired guns to kill...

The Blood of Iron Eyes (2007) by Rory Black

Iron Eyes Must Die

Deadman’s Flats was well named. It dared and taunted all those who set eyes upon it to try and cross its vast expanse. None of the trio had expected the desolation which greeted their sand-burned eyes. Dust drifted over the riders as they sat and stared out at the barren landscape ahead of them. ...

Iron Eyes Must Die by Rory Black

The Spurs of Iron Eyes (Iron Eyes Western #3)

Although still early, no daylight reached this cell of a room buried within the heart of the chapel. As the priest closed the door behind him he watched as Iron Eyes paced towards the old man who lay upon the crude cot. He said nothing as he pulled a chair away from a table and sat down beside th...

The Spurs of Iron Eyes (Iron Eyes Western #3) by Rory Black

The Ghost of Iron Eyes (An Iron Eyes Western Book 8)

There was no noise quite like the sound of an arrow being released from an Apache bowstring and cutting through the air. Even in his confused state, the tall lean man knew that an arrow had been fired at him. He ducked down and saw the arrow shatter against the rocks just above him. ‘Apache!’ Iro...

The Ghost of Iron Eyes (An Iron Eyes Western Book 8) by Rory Black

Iron Eyes, no. 1

Why would anyone want such a large house? His brother Tom was standing at his horse’s head, pouring the last of his precious canteen water into his Stetson for the tired horse to drink. Tom had been silent for a long time now. Whatever thoughts were passing through his brain, he was keeping them ...

Iron Eyes, no. 1 by Rory Black

The Curse of Iron Eyes

He had studied the high bridge from the banks of the river which flowed beneath it and decided that he did not have to bring the entire structure down to achieve what Big Jack Brady wanted. The locomotive would have to stop even if only ten or twenty feet of the bridge was missing. If it didn’t, ...

The Curse of Iron Eyes by Rory Black

The Spirit of Iron Eyes

They were still down there amid the brush and rocks. He could smell the food they were cooking even though he could not make out where their camp-fire was. Yet Iron Eyes was seldom hungry at the best of times, and this was far from being the best of times. Only one thought filled his mind as drop...

The Spirit of Iron Eyes by Rory Black

The Wrath of Iron Eyes (An Iron Eyes Western #5)

Normally it would have helped them fall asleep, but not on this night. This night it was different. Malverez had never been so close to what could only be described as a mutiny before. For a decade he had controlled his followers and they had obeyed his every order because they knew that his was ...

The Wrath of Iron Eyes (An Iron Eyes Western #5) by Rory Black

Blood of Iron Eyes (2012)

Like a snake, he seemed to slither along the dark edge of the large fenced-in yard, Even needle-sharp brambles could not slow his determined progress. The large trees had been there long before any men had found this remote place. Their stout trunks supported hefty branches and large leaves. This...

Blood of Iron Eyes (2012) by Rory Black

The Fury of Iron Eyes (An Iron Eyes Western #4)

Yet the hours of night were not to bring them any security due to the brilliant moon which had replaced the blazing sun. Roberts knew they required a black sky if they were to make a successful retreat from this dangerous place. The officer could still see the smoke rising from the forested hills...

The Fury of Iron Eyes (An Iron Eyes Western #4) by Rory Black

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