The Harp in the South is an Australian classic written by Ruth Park. This book follows the lives of the Darcy Family, who live in a run down flat in Surry Hills. Filled with unforgettable characters such Mumma, Hughie, Dolour and Roie, this is a story which really depicts a true description of li...
She was the banker's daughter, a highborn, golden beauty. He was a grocer's son, strong and proud, but fate had masked his strength and pride with a form that set him forever apart from other men. Compelling need drew them together, A bewitching fantasy encircled and sustained them. Then the Grea...
Fourteen-year-old Abigail is having a rough time. Her parents separated four years ago when her father left the family for a young girlfriend, but now he wants to reunite with his wife and move from Sydney to Norway. But her life takes a truly unexpected turn when she sees a group of younger c...