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Ryk Brown books

Ryk Brown
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Read Books by Ryk Brown


Frontiers Saga 10: Liberation

He had seen Luis, one of his closest friends, on the view screen. He had even heard his voice, brief as it had been. In moments, his friend would step onto the Aurora’s main hangar deck, having been rescued from the stranded Celestia only a few minutes ago.     Nathan entered ...

Frontiers Saga 10: Liberation by Ryk Brown

Ep.#9 - "Resistance"

A simple tilt of his head signaled her to join him.     Cameron followed him into the ready room a moment later. “How did it go?”     “Better than I thought it would,” Nathan said.     Cameron’s eyebrow went up. “You don’t sound very hap...

Ep.#9 -

Frontiers Saga 12: Rise of the Alliance

She set her fork down and took in a deep breath, looking up at the sky. “It really is nice here,” she said. “It seems like forever since I saw the sky and breathed fresh air, even that of another world.”“Tanna’s not too different from Earth,” Abby told her. “Far less habitable land mass, and the ...

Frontiers Saga 12: Rise of the Alliance by Ryk Brown

Netcast: Zero

The text message flashed in Hanna’s personal visual space, ironically across the face of the very man that was boring her to death.     Reply: I am, Hanna thought. Her reply was instantly converted into a digital signal by her neuro-digital implant at the base of her skull, an...

Netcast: Zero by Ryk Brown

Ep.#15 - "That Which Other Men Cannot Do" (The Frontiers Saga)

Can you elaborate on that for our viewers?”     “This should be good,” Jessica said.     Nathan watched the view screen on the wall of his ready room, as the camera switched from the interviewer to Admiral Galiardi.     “I’d be glad to, ...

Ep.#15 -

Fall of the Core: Netcast 01 (The Frontiers Saga)

“I’m Jeff Ward, assistant to Mister Tollison,” the man yelled over the roar of the shuttle’s engines as they wound down. “Please follow me.”     Hanna glanced about the skyline as they made their way across the pad and down the gangway. She’d been to New York for assignments o...

Fall of the Core: Netcast 01 (The Frontiers Saga) by Ryk Brown


His body temperature was back to normal, his labs remained unremarkable throughout the night, and he showed no signs of any complications from the aspiration of so much seawater. After breakfast, Maria, dumbfounded by his remarkable recovery, had reluctantly allowed him to get up and move about t...

Arrival by Ryk Brown

Ep.#8 - "Celestia: CV-02"

the Reliant’s damage control officer reported over the comms. “We’ve also got hull breaches in compartments one forty-seven through one fifty-three. Engineering reports main thrust port four is damaged, as well as the aft starboard maneuvering pod. If we take much more damage aft, we may have a h...

Ep.#8 -

Ep.#5 - "Rise of the Corinari"

Abby announced.“Threat board?” Nathan asked Jessica.“All clear, sir,” Jessica replied. “All normal traffic. No unidentified ships in the system. Everything looks pretty much as we left it.”“Great. How far are we from the asteroid base?” Nathan wondered.“I took the liberty of jumping us relatively...

Ep.#5 -

A Show of Force

The rows of seats surrounding him were filled with several thousand attendees, many of them from the noble houses of Takara, as well as members of the media covering the ten-day trial. He knew what was coming, and although he did not look forward to it, he was well aware of his responsibilities t...

A Show of Force by Ryk Brown

The Legend of Corinair

Marcus shouted over the comms from the back of the shuttle. “We can’t,” Josh responded. “We’re locked out. The whole facility is on lock down.” “Then bypass the auto-flight system, you idiots!” “You can’t bypass the auto-flight system, Marcus!” Loki argued. “It’s hardwired into the ship’s flight ...

The Legend of Corinair by Ryk Brown

Ep.#1 - "Escalation" (The Frontiers Saga: Rogue Castes)

“The latest word from command logistics is that the Dorsay should be jumping out to resupply us in about twelve hours.”     “What’s the delay?” Cameron asked, her eyes still on the view screen at her desk.     “I guess they’re just trying to get her fully l...

Ep.#1 -

Ep.#14 - "The Weak and the Innocent" (The Frontiers Saga)

Josh wondered as the technicians finished strapping him into the Super Falcon prototype’s cockpit. “This ain’t a simulator, you know.”     “It’s not going to blow up on you,” Deliza insisted from the top of the boarding ladder next to the Super Falcon’s cockpit. “Just be gentl...

Ep.#14 -

Frontiers 07 - The Expanse

Nathan greeted as he entered the port torpedo room. “Something to show me?”     “Yes, Captain,” Vladimir stated. “Lieutenant Montgomery and his team have completed the first tube refit. Torpedo tube number two is now configured to fire plasma cannon shots.”    &...

Frontiers 07 - The Expanse by Ryk Brown

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