This book started off promisingly, but quickly unravelled into a messy, disjointed thriller. The plot was either predictable or wildly implausible, with clunky twists and rushed setting. The main character lacked any qualities that made you sympathise with them or take an interest in their welfar...
‘The Righteous Men’ was the first book from Sam Bourne that I have read and I have mixed feelings about the book. I bought ‘The Righteous Men’, ‘The Last Testament’ and ‘The Final Reckoning’ – all from the same author - together in 2008 while on a trip and read all three of them back-to-back as I...
This is the new high-concept religious conspiracy-theory thriller from the author of 'The Righteous Men', set against the backdrop of the world's bitterest conflict.
But then it left the French Quarter behind and the streets slowly became wider and more desolate. Soon they were passing boarded-up shops and whole blocks that seemed abandoned. Maggie leaned forward to speak to the cab driver, an African-American whose hair was tipped with grey. ‘Where are we go...
In English there was an interview with New World, the magazine of the United Nations Association in Britain, and a diary item from the New York Observer, noting Munchau's legal summons to the Manhattan magistrate for failure to pay a parking fine. Not what Tom was looking for. He put his head in ...