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Sara Walter Ellwood books

Sara Walter Ellwood
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Read Books by Sara Walter Ellwood


The Birthday Fantasy

Tate couldn’t have said if the steak and fancy potatoes he’d been served tasted good or not. He ate simply because he figured he was hungry and because, despite the tension between them, he didn’t want the evening to end.     He didn’t regret the kiss, but he wished he’d not g...

The Birthday Fantasy by Sara Walter Ellwood

Gambling On a Heart (2013)

She always felt like she was abandoning her baby when she left him with Jake on his weeks. They shared joint custody of Bobby, which meant he spent every other week with his father. Jake lived beside the business in an old trailer that couldn’t quite be considered ramshackle, but definitely neede...

Gambling On a Heart (2013) by Sara Walter Ellwood


Although Emily had no idea why he hadn’t, she was happy for it. She sat up in EJ’s king-sized bed and stared down at the packet of white powder. Although the stuff looked like harmless powdered sugar or cornstarch, she knew without tasting the coke it was of topnotch quality. Fabian always bought...

Heartland by Sara Walter Ellwood

Gambling on a Dream

The only parts of her sheriff’s uniform she had were her tan Stetson, jacket, badge, and gun.     Two other sheriff vehicles pulled up and parked on the street. The body lying next to a brown Tahoe with the Texas Star painted on the door brought her up short. “Do you have any ...

Gambling on a Dream by Sara Walter Ellwood

Heartstrings (2013)

“We had a deal, Seth. One month. Your month is up.” He gripped his cell phone so hard his hand hurt. “I don’t really give a flying fuck about what you have planned, Gary. I can’t leave yet.” “You’re talking about screwing over the Late Show! I also ...

Heartstrings (2013) by Sara Walter Ellwood

Heartsong (Singing to the Heart Book 2)

Glancing at the three a.m. hour on her alarm clock, she sighed. She’d been asleep for a whopping twenty-seven minutes.     With a groan, she threw the covers off and dragged herself out of bed. On her way to her mother’s room, she peeked in on Jesse, who sprawled over the twin...

Heartsong (Singing to the Heart Book 2) by Sara Walter Ellwood

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