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Sarah Jae Foster books

Sarah Jae Foster
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Read Books by Sarah Jae Foster


The Heart of a Soiled Dove

Donovan shook his hair dry and combed his fingers through it. Dust floated to the surface of the water in the porcelain bowl and he tossed it in a splatter off the side of the back porch. He rubbed his stubby cheek with his thumb, deciding if he would shave or not, when fatigue overruled his desi...

The Heart of a Soiled Dove by Sarah Jae Foster

Lincoln County Series 1-3

Besides, if someone was sick enough to need the preacher it couldn’t be good, and no one could enjoy themselves any longer with that knowledge. She wondered why it was Doc Colvin who sent for Andrew. Where was Dr. Grover? One thing she could do was pray, so she said a silent prayer for the family...

Lincoln County Series 1-3 by Sarah Jae Foster

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