In the underground labyrinths of New York City's subway system, beneath the third rail of a long forgotten line, Saul Williams discovered scrolls of aged yellowish-brown paper rolled tightly into a can of spray paint. His quest to decipher this mystical ancient text resulted in a primal understan...
I was trying to fill the room with a shocked and awkward color, I was trying to limber your shuffle, the muscle wired to muscle. I wanted to be a lucid hammer. I was trying to play like the first mechanic asked to repair the first automobile. Once, Piano, every man-made song could fit in your mou...
Scraping myself from the sidewalk. Jumping from rivers to bridges. Drowning in pure air. Hip-hop is lying on the side of the road half dead to itself. Blood scrawled over its mangled flesh like jazz. Stuffed into an over- sized record bag. Tuba lips swollen beyond recognition. Diamond studded tee...