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Savannah Blevins books

Savannah Blevins
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Read Books by Savannah Blevins


The Girl With Diamonds (Midtown Brotherhood Book 2)

Their source down the street, a waitress at a coffee shop, told Callen that Ferocia had given up and left, but they couldn’t take any chances.     It wasn’t like Ferocia to be out on the prowl. She had a fancy desk and a fleet of minions to do her dirty work, which apparently ...

The Girl With Diamonds (Midtown Brotherhood Book 2) by Savannah Blevins

Raven Ridge (Witches of Sanctuary Book 2)

“Go get the others right now.”     A black outline has developed in Lyric’s eyes. He’s angry at Grady, and I get that. Grady isn’t one of us, though. If it really was the Red Wolf, George Bessette, Grady would have been no match for him. I pull Grady to his feet. The claw mark...

Raven Ridge (Witches of Sanctuary Book 2) by Savannah Blevins

The Girl With Hearts (Midtown Brotherhood #1)

Henrik glanced over his shoulder at his younger brother, his beach blond hair stuck out in varying directions, and his nose wrinkled in confusion. The scene probably appeared odd to Drew. It wasn’t like he woke up to find him in his apartment on a regular basis, let alone wearing an apron and coo...

The Girl With Hearts (Midtown Brotherhood #1) by Savannah Blevins

Frog Hollow (Witches of Sanctuary Book 1)

Normally, thunderstorms make me feel gloomy. I’d want nothing more than to cuddle up in my bed and have a Jonathan Rhys Meyer marathon kind of day. However, there is something about today—this place makes everything around it ignite with energy, including myself.     I hum sof...

Frog Hollow (Witches of Sanctuary Book 1) by Savannah Blevins

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