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Saxon Andrew books

Saxon Andrew

Read Books by Saxon Andrew


Pray for the Prey

George bit a pretzel and said, “I assume you and Jillian know what we were talking around in the meeting.”Chris said, “Someone else has time travel capability.”George tilted his head and said, “Score one for Chris.”George looked at RV, “How long did it take you to make that determination?”“As soo...

Pray for the Prey by Saxon Andrew

Annihilation Series-Searching for a Hero

Finally, Ping said, “I’ve not had the courage to stop this from happening.” Sprigly remained silent and after a moment Ping raised his eyes and looked at Sprigly, “All of those I loved would still be alive if I were willing to do what had to be done.”     “You don’t know that,...

Annihilation Series-Searching for a Hero by Saxon Andrew

The Lost Prince

After an hour, Drey sent a transmission, “I want us to go over all the information we’ve recorded and try to make a determination of how we want to handle our first contact with this civilization.”     Ian said, “What do you mean?”     “We either attempt to...

The Lost Prince by Saxon Andrew

No Technology Is Invincible (The Death Prophecies-Book Four 4)

The thing that troubled him the most was that all of the species involved in the fighting were in agreement to do it. They sent their youngest and most vibrant to fight and only the survivors were allowed to mate. This was little more than systematic genocide. It was depressing and he lamented at...

No Technology Is Invincible (The Death Prophecies-Book Four 4) by Saxon Andrew

Mike's War: Sequel to Jesse's Starship

A servant came out with a drink and handed one to him and Tilly. Tilly took a sip and said, “Now admit it; this isn’t so bad.” Mike shook his head, “I guess. I still don’t like being the Leader of the Assembly.” “I know, you turned it down four times but aren’t you glad you finally accepted.” “Th...

Mike's War: Sequel to Jesse's Starship by Saxon Andrew

Escape to Earth-The Legacy of a Conqueror

Chris nodded. Allison extended an antenna out of the barrier into normal space and made a ping scan. Chris looked at her and tilted his head. She shrugged, “I know we can see normal space above us but I’m wondering what they have waiting for an intruder.” Chris nodded and looked at the large moni...

Escape to Earth-The Legacy of a Conqueror by Saxon Andrew

Planet Predators

Sinai Hospital. They had been listening to the fleet network as ships reported in on their watches. Izzy had removed the IV from the Jenze’s arm an hour earlier and they saw him start to stir. Izzy came around the bed and stood looking down on the Jenze, “I don’t want him to wake up and think he’...

Planet Predators by Saxon Andrew

Nowhere to Run

New trainers for the fleet had been found and Gary was at the main space port on Euclid staring at his Sigma Ship that was parked in the huge hangar next to the former model. The Sigma looked small compared to the fifteen hundred foot wingspan of the boomerang shaped warship. The Sigma was emeral...

Nowhere to Run by Saxon Andrew

Lens of Time

The situation had been explained to the attendee’s and George had opened the floor for comments. Admiral Anders said, “I hate this is happening but I’m glad it caused those ships to leave. I must confess that this couldn’t happen to a more worthy group.”RV sighed heavily and said, “I don’t want t...

Lens of Time by Saxon Andrew

A Pirate's Tale: The Only Solution Is Retribution

“Actually, I was wondering if you had a problem if we delay that for a while,” Desiree replied.”     “What will you do instead?”     “That will depend on your plans, Sir.  Are you going to immediately go to Tortuga or do something else first?”   &...

A Pirate's Tale: The Only Solution Is Retribution by Saxon Andrew

Escape to Earth 3: Defending Holy Ground

It made everyone homesick; it looked so much like the Milky Way, only larger. Loree looked at the image on the monitor and turned to Lance, “I want you to freeze that image and set it up for expansion or contraction. Barbie, is your scanner capable of maintaining the details of each star?”  ...

Escape to Earth 3: Defending Holy Ground by Saxon Andrew

Nemesis 1: Revenge Is Best Served Hot

She looked at Whippet and saw him shaking his head. “What?”     “It looks like you won’t be eating at that restaurant again.” His comment shocked her and then it struck her as funny. Millions had died but she started laughing and then laughed even harder. Whippet shrugged, “I’...

Nemesis 1: Revenge Is Best Served Hot by Saxon Andrew

Jesse's Starship 3: Joshua's Walls

“I have no idea, Commander.”     Rumel turned back to his console and saw the tunnel on the surface of the planet above the starship chamber far below. He looked at his Scan Leader, “Do you detect anything?”     “There is a massive reading from the chamber ...

Jesse's Starship 3: Joshua's Walls by Saxon Andrew

Annihilation: Book 06 - Demon's Sacrifice

I’ll send you the coordinates.”  Matt looked at his bracelet and saw the coordinates. He pushed the enable button and appeared in a strange structure that appeared to be made of interwoven white strands. “I see you have used a web to make your home.”  “Yes, it was really easy to build. Come with ...

Annihilation: Book 06 - Demon's Sacrifice by Saxon Andrew

Annihilation: Book 05 - Searcher

“It’s good to see the two of you again. I see you have been quite busy doing the Realm’s work.”  Angel looked at him and said, “We are going to delay our wedding, Your Grace.”  “Why would you want to do that?”  Matt looked at the Baron and smiled. He liked this Gardner. “We don’t want to delay; h...

Annihilation: Book 05 - Searcher by Saxon Andrew

Escape to Earth-Living Legends

She shook her head and heard, “They’re changing course and none of the Legend Ships are going to be allowed to go with them.”     “Why did you shake the panel so hard?”     “You wouldn’t wake up; I had to get your attention.”     “How lo...

Escape to Earth-Living Legends by Saxon Andrew

The Fight for Creation: Book 02 - Scout Warrior

Their surviving fleets ran out of munitions and ships that were damaged could not be repaired. The Grogat Fleets were found by the Cats and the Realm pursued them without mercy.     The thousands of planets enslaved by the Empire were attacked by the Realm fleets from space an...

The Fight for Creation: Book 02 - Scout Warrior by Saxon Andrew

Nowhere to Hide

Please report to your duty stations immediately. We are under attack…” The Grandfathers rushed out of the room to go to their ships to be taken to their Families.     The Senior Grandfather stayed at his chair and looked at the incoming messages. He wasn’t worried about the en...

Nowhere to Hide by Saxon Andrew

Annihilation Prequel - Psychic Beginnings

AG appeared on all the monitors in the facility and said, “I know many of you wonder why this had to happen. If we knew so long ago it was coming, why couldn’t we stop it? You’re right to wonder. I tried to find a way to prevent this and every time I discovered that we would be killed by our gove...

Annihilation Prequel - Psychic Beginnings by Saxon Andrew

Escape to Earth 1: Running From Fate

She was remarkable and her willingness to stay with him through his plans surprised him. She was incredibly intelligent and she knew the dangers of what he was undertaking. He closed his eyes and saw her face. Her brown hair tied in a ponytail and her brown eyes sparkling with humor. She was five...

Escape to Earth 1: Running From Fate by Saxon Andrew

Lens of Time: Book 05 - Star Rover-The Worst of Time

“Yes Stein.”     “Civil war has broken out in M87 and one of the first casualties was the President.”     “How were they able to hit Earth?”     “They didn’t.”     “Then how was the President killed?”   &nbs...

Lens of Time: Book 05 - Star Rover-The Worst of Time by Saxon Andrew

Probe Predators

Fifty ships were close to running out of stores and they had to be resupplied. He looked at the Claw commanding his Lead Ship and motioned him over. “We have to make another raid.”     “I’ve seen that.”     “We have to do it faster this time.”   &...

Probe Predators by Saxon Andrew

Defending Earth-Searching for Death Feeders

“What’s the message?”     “One of our Light Ships have found an advanced civilization that is gathering a huge fleet around one of its planets. It appears it is going to go out and attack other intelligent species and take their worlds.”     “How advanced i...

Defending Earth-Searching for Death Feeders by Saxon Andrew

Trapped in Time-Extinction

More than three hundred of his subjects were able to produce the killing thought and their range was growing every day as they practiced using it. He heard the door to the room open and he saw Tyler standing at the door, “Hello, Tyler, can you wait?”     “Regent, I really need...

Trapped in Time-Extinction by Saxon Andrew

Trapped in Time 1: The Time Takers

“Where are you?”     “I’m in orbit above the Central Governing Planet.”     “What’s going on?”     “I’ll tell you when you arrive. You need to hurry.”     “We’re on our way.”     Adams looked up an...

Trapped in Time 1: The Time Takers by Saxon Andrew

Ashes of the Realm - Greyson's Revenge

Two weeks had passed and Tesa was working with a team of engineers redesigning the bowguns. Vring had developed two new circuits that needed to be trialed and Scotty decided to trial them on Greyson. Timmy appeared and said, “Hello, my name is Timmy Valrico and I understand your name is Greyson.”...

Ashes of the Realm - Greyson's Revenge by Saxon Andrew

The Fight for Creation: Book 01 - Life Warrior

All Realm Forces will go to general quarters and start the plan to defend the planet.”     Leaves thought to the engineers, “Teleport the Jump Penetrators to their assigned location. Algean pilots, prepare your ships for the high speed run into the enemy formations. All Astero...

The Fight for Creation: Book 01 - Life Warrior by Saxon Andrew

Ashes of the Realm: Book 04 - The Return of the Realm

The orange field instantly lit up and the scanners went active. He knew he was going to die and there was no way to avoid it. If he attempted to escape, the Council would be able to track him anywhere he went. They were also slaved into his board and would activate his self-destruct if he disobey...

Ashes of the Realm: Book 04 - The Return of the Realm by Saxon Andrew

Jesse's Starship

“Yes, Mike.” “Have you determined what you are going to be able to do when they launch the nuclear missiles?” Jess looked at Elle and Tilly and shook his head, “Mike, we’re caught in an impossible scenario.” “What do you mean?” “If the submarine that launches against Washington uses a Cruise Miss...

Jesse's Starship by Saxon Andrew

Defending Earth-Discovery Means Death

They were collecting light signatures and feeding them to the missile transports located just under Graylin’s Light Ship. He looked across at Cassidy’s cockpit and saw her manipulating her controls. “What are you doing?”     “I’m making sure none of the missiles will be target...

Defending Earth-Discovery Means Death by Saxon Andrew

The Pyramid Builders

He glanced at his board and saw a reminder that a system designated for destruction had lost its probe. He looked at the board, saw a ship that was not on assignment, and ordered it to deliver a new probe. The ship received the location, the crew was recalled, and it left orbit. Ten minutes later...

The Pyramid Builders by Saxon Andrew

Lens of Time: Book 06 - Star Rover-Running Out of Time

“Lord, you saw the destruction of the Ally’s production facility.”     “Why did only one ship from the Spiral Galaxy appear instead of the Ally’s fleets?”     “I suspect the Ally’s fleets were engaged with the fleets from the Spiral Galaxy. I could have sta...

Lens of Time: Book 06 - Star Rover-Running Out of Time by Saxon Andrew

Taming a Planet (Trapped in Time Book 2)

More than eighteen warriors had been taken by predators and the ones that survived were in a hurry to wrap the mission up quickly. They did not want to spend another night in the jungle. Loucious estimated there was about three hours between the source of the smoke plumes and his current location...

Taming a Planet (Trapped in Time Book 2) by Saxon Andrew

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