The storyline about the computer project - beating the Turing test, "talking" with his dead father (those two stars are for you, Dr. Bassett!) - was great. It was let down by the forced twist at the end, as if the author had panicked and thought, hey, shouldn't this be going somewhere?The rest of...
I've never read a book like this before. What do I mean by that? Well, for one, this book is honest about the messiness of relationships, and all of the questions and self-doubt that occurs for most of us. Hutchins sprinkles hilarity throughout to lighten the seriousness of Neill's journey throug...
The basic problem addressed by this book is that of designing a computer that can pass the “Turing test” for artificial intelligence and convince at least some people that it is a human. To provide the computer a personality and memories it is given the journals of Dr. Bassett, a sort of modern ...