صفحات الرواية تحمل بين طياتها رسائل مشفرة لاكتشاف الذات، فكثيراً منا لا يدركً انه يعيش حياة صنعها الآخرون لنا،وكيف لنا أن نتخلص من اعتقاداتنا للوصول لاحلامنا فوحدهم الذين يملكون الشجاعة في التخلي عن الجيد يمكنهم ادراك الأفضل. Nyt ei ehkä ollut ihan oikea ajoitus tämän teoksen lukemiselle. Ajatuks...
This is a gem of a book with many sparkling facets that keep the reader interested. The tale is a spiritual journey and an adventure of personal revelation. There is much wisdom here, for instance to find your true self you must first get rid of the false self that you have constructed to pleas...
Diana is grieving for her mother when she has to also deal with the shock of discovering she has a twin, Mary. A series of letters from her mother and Mary take Diana on a journey that forces her to question herself. A journey that sees Diana discover more about herself than she thought possib...